cluster size wrong. Please Format


New Member
Nov 25, 2014
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United States
trying to set up my new DR and the 256Gb card provided in the box gives me the "cluster size wrong. please format" message and then just reboots. I can't get into the menus to format in camera. I've tried formatting in computer (I know, not recommended) but can't get any formatted formats that the system will accept.
I shut down the unit, unplugged the cameras and turned it back on. was able to get to a reformat menu, did that and it didn't crash. shut it down, plugged the cameras back in and now it reboots right after it displays some video. it doesn't even tell me to format bfore it reboots.
format the card in your computer using the default options to put it back to how it should be

the cameras must be connected before doing anything, boot it up and then it should detect the card and prompt the format

let me know how you get on
reformatted, made sure all cameras were connected. system just boot loops. initially it showed the 'cluster size wrong" message but now it shows 2-3 seconds of video (with rolling interference. I have unwrapped the cabled and installed a ferrite core at the central unit end) and reboots.
I'm using the 256Gb SanDisk card that SG USA provides with the kit.

I'm currently using the mini-USB to power it up on my desk.
yes it has a USB power connector, but not all USB power supplies are suitable, can definitely be an issue