complete ass of a lorry driver..


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2014
Reaction score
United Kingdom
heard the lorry horn on the roundabout..

only when I got home was I able to look and see why and then why I became his victim as he got in the A5006 lane hoping to undertake me and pass into the A500 lane...

He cut it fine for the barrier ....

No excuse for a professional driver acting like a complete tool in a god knows how many ton lorry/weapon ..

That truck driver should be sacked! What a pillock! He was driving very aggressively!! Acceleration hard from the round about even! I hope you emailed them!!!!!! I would!!!!!
Dangerous to act like you are driving a sports car.
as well as sending it to his employer I'd be sending a copy to the traffic commissioners to, I'm sure they would have something to say regarding his class 1 licence.
@41 sec action: Yuke want to take exit and swapping from left lane to right one at very last moment, which is quite dangerous move, at the same time Octavia does opposite ( swapping lanes from right to left ), so both cars are almost crossing each other. Maybe truck driver saw this and warned Yuke driver with horn for making a dangerous move ?

But @ 1.40 he is acting like an A _ _ H _ _ .

You can e-mail video to his company.