Constant Insert Front Card Error


New Member
Apr 15, 2015
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Every now and then it seems like my card becomes corrupt and I'm faced with the dreaded Insert Front Card error message.

Firmware 1.02.07

With the message being on I can't do anything as it locks the menu options. So every single time I am forced to remove the front card and put a new blank card in its place, put the old front card in the rear slot, go to setting, and format the rear card (which is the old corrupted front card).

1) Could the dev make it so that when it says insert front / rear card it doesn't lock you out from being able to format
2) Why do my cards become corrupt and appear with this error ?

My main use is to record parking. But it's useless to come back to my car and see that error messed knowing that nothing has been recorded...

I have both 64gb SanDisk Extreme MicroSD. I also had the same issue with my previous Samsung Evo MicroSD cards. I thought upgrade to SanDisk would eliminate this issue but apparently not...
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In total I have 4 cards all up. 2 SanDisk 2 Samsung. Formatting them all and they are all fine error free.

No matter what card I use eventually my dashcam will come up with the Insert Front Card error. It seems to only affect the card in the Front Slot. Also tends to happen when I park somewhere with a lot of movement in the car park. Eg I park my car at a train station car park everyday. Once ever week or two I return to my car with the Front Card Error.

It's just that I can't access and format the card when this error occurs, I'm guessing the dashcam doesn't recognise the card and hence is locking me out from entering the settings / format menu ?
When I had same error few times, for me helped just swapping memory card between slot and then reboot unit and format cards. If I was formatting memory cards once per week, then all was fine.
P.S. - SanDisk and Samsung memory cards can be fussy with X2, so for sure keep in mind to format them and at some stage go to other brands like Transcend, Lexar etc.
i have two sets of sandisk cards, daily use 128gb and temp use 64 gb when im viewing from the 128.

i agree formatting cards weekly is a safe maintenance procedure.

dont fully agree sandisk cards are fussy as thats all i have used in the x2 and i have had the x2 since launch and the cam runs 24/7.
i have two sets of sandisk cards, daily use 128gb and temp use 64 gb when im viewing from the 128.

i agree formatting cards weekly is a safe maintenance procedure.

dont fully agree sandisk cards are fussy as thats all i have used in the x2 and i have had the x2 since launch and the cam runs 24/7.

I must say @"fussy" - in case you don't format them on weekly basis.
Thats why some dashcams have memory card formatting schedule reminder ( weekly, monthly ). I wish X2 also would have this reminder. However we can set "weekly reminder" on our smart phone calendar, which I personally use for many one-time and repeatable tasks.
Sandisk cards aren't fussy at all, some dashcams are fussy with Sandisk cards though

aside from some cameras being fussy with Sandisk the cards are good quality, that has never been a question, the issue with Sandisk for dashcam use is they can change to a read only state if there is an error
Good information regarding formatting and Sandisk <> dashcam compatibility.
Every now and then it seems like my card becomes corrupt and I'm faced with the dreaded Insert Front Card error message.

Firmware 1.02.07

With the message being on I can't do anything as it locks the menu options. So every single time I am forced to remove the front card and put a new blank card in its place, put the old front card in the rear slot, go to setting, and format the rear card (which is the old corrupted front card).

1) Could the dev make it so that when it says insert front / rear card it doesn't lock you out from being able to format
2) Why do my cards become corrupt and appear with this error ?

My main use is to record parking. But it's useless to come back to my car and see that error messed knowing that nothing has been recorded...

I have both 64gb SanDisk Extreme MicroSD. I also had the same issue with my previous Samsung Evo MicroSD cards. I thought upgrade to SanDisk would eliminate this issue but apparently not...

I get that message frequently and I have 2 64GB cards. I just turn off, swap the cards, turn on and format both. The touchscreen screen doesn't operate if the front card is corrupt/full. lololo :rolleyes:

I had very high hopes for the X2, but the makers stopped caring. Good hardware and video but crap software. I still have unreliable events.

Currently, I am looking at the Thinkware F770. The sad part is I can't (or won't) sell my X2 due to the fact that it is faulty. :mad: Looks like a relative is getting a free HD dash cam. :eek::D
might be best to be pro active and format them weekly

You must be Jokiin! :D:eek:

I would expect the makers to be nice and and add a weekly self format into the software, but they are on a beach somewhere sipping Mojitos. I remember when we were all excited about this device. o_O:(
You must be Jokiin! :D:eek:

I would expect the makers to be nice and and add a weekly self format into the software, but they are on a beach somewhere sipping Mojitos. I remember when we were all excited about this device. o_O:(

I would rather see it fixed but even an auto format prompt would be nice, they've been gone a while so must be awful drunk by now :p
I remember when I was looking for a dashcam, I read that Panorama was great and this and that. Turns out not so. I have one X2 that the rear lock doesn't work and doesn't read the rear card, so no rear camera on that car. Another exhibits this "card not found" error, requiring more frequent ejecting of the cards. I think soon the dashcam #2 will have a broken card spring lock in the near future. Plus, I have various cards on hand because the manufacturer was quick to blame all the customer's cards, every time we posted a glitch or bug, it was met with because the card was counterfeit or that brand doesn't work well with the X2, try this brand, etc. If anyone followed the X2 from the start, you know what I mean. In the end, it's just your damn product that doesn't work.
Sorry about that guys, I pushed the developer as hard as I good. Using recommended cards + disabling X2 BDP (power control) and using 3rd party PANOBDP or Vico-Power Plus is as good as it gets still.
If any previous X2 customers wants a steep discount on Lukas or QVIA products (See LukasDirect store) let me know. They are very stable and have even more features than X2 ever had.
Jon, I know you tried because if not, it would put you in a very negative situation running your store. You can only do so much as a reseller/distributor. I do have to comment on BDP though, I have run my X2s w/o BDP and it doesn't help as far as I can tell, the situations with my X2s came during no BDP. I will say that I didn't format cards regularly and will try that now weekly to see if it actually helps.
I wish we could get a copy of the firmware source code. :)