Contact for updating RegistrationViewer code


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2015
Reaction score
Dash Cam
F770, SG9665GC
Anyone know how to contact Vadim's next of kin or who ever is handling his estate?

At the moment im trying to fix the google maps bug in RV. I can edit the javascript code for the maps module and i recompile it but legally id need permission first.

I had a look at the code, and it was written for Google maps API v3.18, and it is now up to v3.28. Most of the code still works surprisingly, except for drawing the Polyline between A/B points on the map (thus the poly.js error caused by browser incompatibility)

I have no plans for developing the software further, just want to fix the outdated code.

Thanks jokiin.

Didnt realize he left behind a wife and daughter, so sad. I wouldnt know how to approach the subject either or if she even understands english.

Im doing some research on abandonware laws. Maybe theres a way to get around IP copyright
Do you think you can actually fix it, from what I understood others had tried to do something with it and were never able to get it working, I have no idea if that has anything to do with their skill levels or just the software itself

If there was some way for his family to be able to continue receive donations from the software perhaps they'd be ok with his software being updated to keep it active, a lot of people do use it and appreciate it
It can definitely be fixed, its just plain javascript following the Google API.

Debugging isnt really my strong suit so its gonna take me a while. Gotta go through the latest references

Ill speak to my dev guy tomorrow, maybe he can do it for me.

Let me know if you want a copy.
Yeah I'd be interested in having a copy if you can fix it, I use it with open maps which does work ok but I think the Google maps option is better, I'd guess the other map options could stop working at some stage also which would be a shame
If there was some way for his family to be able to continue receive donations from the software perhaps they'd be ok with his software being updated to keep it active, a lot of people do use it and appreciate it
Vadim had paypal account to small money transfer, it would be very easy to continue that way if she would open paypal account.
I'm sure I'm just one of many that are willing to provide financial support for a product that just works, and works well.
Vadim had paypal account to small money transfer, it would be very easy to continue that way if she would open paypal account.

yes I agree and I had donated several times, I know Viofo did also, I'm sure many end users did as well, the old website that they had has been relaunched at some time but all the contact details etc have been changed but I don't believe they go to anyone actually related to his work, some links on the page are real and valid, some are a bit suspect
So i've pinpointed the issue, by default the latest IE browser renders the page in IE7 mode for compaibility. IE7-9 is no longer supported by the API.

I'm trying to insert code to force it to render on IE11 , just doing a IE/windows update first and its taking forever :mad:
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@jokiin @viofo
If you don't ask, you don't get an answer.
You two have work a little together, so I wonder if it could be possible for you two, to develop a player software to your dashcam. Is that possible?
I wish I could write a better sales speaks, but I'm not a sales person. Just a person there is hungry for a good dashcam software.

I only use registrationviewer because its just so good. I don't get any gps infomation / maps from a119s, but that is the only little minus. I have tried dashcam viewer as Viofo refer to, but I dislike the layout so much, that I don't use it (windows on top of each other and hard to scale.) I think it was design to be use on apples.
we have discussed this already

Now you make me curious.
Is that something we should look forward to or was it a dead end?
If/when something is ready I'll be more than willing to provide testing assistance.

finding the right developer is the biggest challenge, no problem to share with Viofo but finding the right starting point is the first part of the process, most contenders to date fail to deliver on the basics, need to get that right first
...but finding the right starting point is the first part of the process,...
Might I suggest the R.V. UI and functionality. :D

Kidding aside, are you looking for an existing product/program to expand upon?... or starting from scratch with just an idea?
starting from an existing program will be easier, not easy to find a developer with the right skill set though, I do have one potential candidate but whether he has the time is part of the battle
So I've solved the issue but in a different way :)

Sadly the fix wont be on the app side. RegistrationViewer uses this component called TWebBrowser which seems to ignore the html code i put in to render as IE11.

Instead ive used a registry hack to force RV to render as IE11


Will post up a guide if anyone is interested