Contact for updating RegistrationViewer code

RegistrationViewer uses this component called TWebBrowser which seems to ignore the html code i put in to render as IE11.

I googled TWebBrowser and got stuff like..... twebbrowser javascript error......... delphi twebbrowser compatibility mode.

Could it even be human error in the programs javascript/HTML which may include compatibility ?

I repeat flips words...... Messing around in the windows registry with one wrong keyboard stroke can be fatal.
Ill have a closer look at the TWebBrowser properties. So far if i add a html !doctype or compatibility code on the header it either ignores it or it loads up as blank.

As long as you follow my instructions to the word, the registry fix is 99.9% harmless as it only tweaks an IE feature to only target the RV executable. You can always make a backup of the entire registry beforehand if in doubt.
Any update on someone being able to take over the project? Or is the browser fix the end solution here?

I'm still using the program, and don't like the day when I have to give it up. It just works- so many others I've tried either don't work or are much more complicated. Especially with piecing together multiple videos with the 3-second overlap.
Any update on someone being able to take over the project? Or is the browser fix the end solution here?

I'm still using the program, and don't like the day when I have to give it up. It just works- so many others I've tried either don't work or are much more complicated.

Sadly its dead in the water without the source code.

Agreed there's no other program like it and its a shame just to see it die off. The next closest thing is probably Dashcam Viewer if you can get used to the interface, i couldnt.