Continuous beeping on A119 V3?


Feb 24, 2019
Reaction score
Dash Cam
VIOFO A119 Mini 2
Recently had my A119 V3 installed, I have it installed with GPS mount and the HK3 Hardwire kit with latest firmware V1.02 build 20190627.
Today randomly when i was driving, the beeping sound came on random, it was continuous beeping sound.
What does that mean? The memory card error?
I currently have a Sandisk 32gb microSD inserted with the A119 V3, if that matters
it means it has stopped recording, check your memory card, check the display for any error messages

It doesn't not show any error messages on the A119 V3? , i formatted (on the dash camera) on the dash camera.
if it's beeping there's a problem, most often it's the memory card, start there

It amazes me how many times the concept of checking for a memory card problem gets suggested as the first place to look for a solution to a vexing dash cam problem. I'll bet you couldn't count how many times you've given out that advice, or me either for that matter.

Maybe somebody, or perhaps a group of us (via PM) should come up with a basic dash cam troubleshooting sticky that could be prominently featured on DCT. It could save a lot of people much time and trouble. Basically, the list of things to check and in what order to check them is relatively short and straightforward for most issues until you get down to whether the camera itself has an actual flaw or failure.
memory and power are the two most common problems and always the first things to look at, for the longest time we had no real alert system to problems, now that we have audible warnings some people still don't seem to get it, honestly I've had people contact us about an issue and we go through the troubleshooting steps only for them to as some point mention that the camera had been beeping for weeks and they never once thought to look at why, can be frustrating at times
Sounds like a few people I know who always call me for help and advice with their computers.

When the topic of error warnings on dash cams comes up I always think about my seven year old Mobius cams that warn of such things as memory card failures with a simple LED notification where the slowly flashing red LED stops flashing and remains solid. Of course, as you know there are other LED status warnings built into the original Mobius and later models. While beeping seems a big improvement, it's not like the concept hasn't been with us for quite some time.
yeah we had on screen notifications of some problems previously but people just never seemed to look at them, frustrating as I'm sure you can appreciate

had a support ticket recently with a customer saying that he had turned the sounds off and complaining that the beeps still happened, even telling him that it indicated an error didn't seem to make him understand, he had a bad memory card but preferred silence apparently
A dodgy memory card is often the root cause of dashcam issues and why they are suggested as the first port of call. The only issue here is that you need a USB3 port and a USB3 card reader. USB2 gives false readings.

There are many fake cards around, especially from online marketplaces and a check via H2testw will determine the true capacity and speed of the SDCard.

What is good for other devices isn't good for recording video at dashcam rates.

Here is a writeup I created some time ago:
Far too many dodgy SD-Cards out there.

Too many people try to save a penny and end up having to buy a better card. Buy cheap on Ebay and from unreliable dealers or poor quality or slow brands expect problems.

You can talk yourself blue in the mouth but there will still be those that do not take advise or those that know no better with their head in the sand. Just because one make works in your mobile phone it does not mean it will work in a dashcam.

Some dash cams are more fussy that others it pays to research first then buy.
hehe i am the resident computer specialist for a few people too, and really i dont know that much about them.
I can build / assemble one - and i can connect one to a network if it is plug and play - and i can mod one, but thats normally mechanical making changes to the case.

Lately ( even before i got the new GFX card ) i have gotten a few BSOD, most often when looking at youtube videos using my firefox browser,,,,,, i just assume its Microsoft OS as the new GFX can play my Railway Empire game for hours on end with no BSOD.
And changing away from the Nvidia card i was making very sure i got it cleaned out before i popped in the new GFX from AMD.

But for most times i am stuck on googling a problem, and then work from there like everyone should do.
Speaking to the issue of fake memory cards, the best approach is to buy only from Amazon and then ONLY offers where it specifically says, "Ships from and sold by". If you do that you can be guaranteed that you will receive an authentic product.
Speaking to the issue of fake memory cards, the best approach is to buy only from Amazon and then ONLY offers where it specifically says, "Ships from and sold by". If you do that you can be guaranteed that you will receive an authentic product.
Hopefully!!!! Provide you buy a decent brand and speed rating.
Hopefully!!!! Provide you buy a decent brand and speed rating.

No, one thing has nothing to do with the other.

I was speaking only to the fact that if you order a memory card from Amazon that specifically states: "Ships from and sold by" you can be assured of receiving the real McCoy; not a fake. Speed, performance or branding is a separate matter.
not all people understand the difference between an ordinary SD card against U1/U3 and the different speed. They could still buy a slow older type of card on Amazon and have a fully legit card but still no good to them.
not all people understand the difference between an ordinary SD card against U1/U3 and the different speed. They could still buy a slow older type of card on Amazon and have a fully legit card but still no good to them.

Granted. But that is an entirely separate issue from the problem of counterfeit memory cards flooding the marketplace. I am puzzled as to why you are conflating SD memory card performance with my recommendation to purchase authentic, non-counterfeit memory from Amazon which was explicit and unequivocal.
My point is that it is also important that you purchase a card fit for the job many are not as well as being aware of the mine field of fakes out there.
My point is that it is also important that you purchase a card fit for the job many are not as well as being aware of the mine field of fakes out there.

If you wish to offer helpful advice about memory card performance that's fine, but why do so by making a non sequitor point by quoting and now apparently attempting to initiate some sort of "argument" with someone who has made a simple recommendation that has absolutely nothing to do with what you are talking about?........(With 4 exclamation marks, no less - "Hopefully!!!! Provide you buy a decent brand and speed rating.") :rolleyes:

It was not a comment directed at you and not meant to offend. It was about being 100% sure as what to buy and what you need to be aware of and that even from reliable source you can get a bad one. Even some suppliers have been caught unaware by fakes. The exclamation marks were to emphasize that there is a risk for the unknowing buyer.