Dashcam Viewer - Language translators wanted


Well-Known Member
App Developer
Jan 17, 2014
Reaction score
Orange County, CA
United States
Dash Cam
Viofo A119V2, SG9665GC, SG9663DCPro + many more
Hi dashcamers,

I'm the developer of Dashcam Viewer software for Mac and PC. Over the past two years I've had requests to convert the software into languages other than English. Well, I've finally restructured the software to support new languages. I'm all ready to go. The problem is I don't know any other languages :(

But my slacking in school is an opportunity for you. I need your help translating words and phrases used in Dashcam Viewer into Russian, French, Dutch, Spanish, and Chinese. I've got help with German already. These seem to be the countries in which dashcams are popular. (Am I missing any?)

There are about 250 words and phrases that need to be translated. I will PayPal $50 to the first volunteers I hear from who help me translate the text into these foreign languages. I will provide you with a Unicode text file that has the English words and you will enter the translated version below each line. Please only respond if you are fluent in both English and your second language.

Your help is appreciated. PM me if you're interested. Hopefully this effort will broaden the reach of the software and make it softer on the eyes for those who's primary language is not English.

President, Earthshine Software
Hi dashcamers,

I'm the developer of Dashcam Viewer software for Mac and PC. Over the past two years I've had requests to convert the software into languages other than English. Well, I've finally restructured the software to support new languages. I'm all ready to go. The problem is I don't know any other languages :(

But my slacking in school is an opportunity for you. I need your help translating words and phrases used in Dashcam Viewer into Russian, French, Dutch, Spanish, and Chinese. I've got help with German already. These seem to be the countries in which dashcams are popular. (Am I missing any?)

There are about 250 words and phrases that need to be translated. I will PayPal $50 to the first volunteers I hear from who help me translate the text into these foreign languages. I will provide you with a Unicode text file that has the English words and you will enter the translated version below each line. Please only respond if you are fluent in both English and your second language.

Your help is appreciated. PM me if you're interested. Hopefully this effort will broaden the reach of the software and make it softer on the eyes for those who's primary language is not English.

President, Earthshine Software
I can help you with Vietnamese menu. I only ask you a full version of software :D No need to pay.
You can send the language file (english) to my mail: nguyenducphuong1712@gmail.com. Ater few days, I will sent back to you Vietnamese version.
Send me English text I can translate to turkish

Wow, I wasn't expecting that kind of response :). Thanks @jokiin, @thancam, @delarmo, and @Falsificator for your support. That means I've got these languages covered so far:
  • German
  • Chinese
  • Vietnamese
  • Russian
  • Turkish
I will contact you individually and provide the translation file.

Still looking for Spanish, Dutch, and French translators.

@niko might be able to hook you up with someone to do the French translation, he got someone to do our user manual previously
@niko might be able to hook you up with someone to do the French translation, he got someone to do our user manual previously

I have sent an e-mail. Going to wait for replay.
You're right, @boilers-- this is a great community. I have already received multiple offers of assistance via PM and this thread. Truly appreciated!
If Spanish is still required, I'll do it (Castilian, South American Spanish has differences), no charge. To be accurate, the words alone wouldn't be sufficient. The context needs to be made clear.
Yes, I could certainly use that flavor of Spanish, @nosnad. Thanks for the offer!
Update on the language translations. Here's what I've got so far
  • German (done! Thanks, Markus S.)
  • Russian (done! Thanks, @alexsoll)
  • Spanish (done! Thanks, @nosnad)
  • Vietnamese (done! Thanks, @thancam)
  • Turkish (done! Thanks, @delarmo)
  • Chinese (needed)
  • French (needed)
  • Italian (needed)
  • Dutch (needed)
Thanks to everyone who's translated (and to @niko and @jokiin for looking for translators). I plan to release the first multi-language version soon. The idea is for the program to start-up in the Default language of the computer (as long as the default language is one of the 6 supported ;-). You'll be able to override the default language setting in the Prefs. As more translations are performed I'll add them as well.
Here's another update on the language translations. What we've got so far:
  • German (done! Thanks, Markus S.)
  • Russian (done! Thanks, @alexsoll)
  • Spanish (done! Thanks, @nosnad)
  • Vietnamese (done! Thanks, @thancam)
  • Turkish (done! Thanks, @delarmo)
  • Chinese (needed)
  • French (done! Thanks, Dany L.)
  • Italian (needed)
  • Dutch (done! Thanks, Jo D.V.)
Dutch and French will be in the next version (v2.1.1)

- John
Here's another update on the language translations. What we've got so far:
  • German (done! Thanks, Markus S.)
  • Russian (done! Thanks, @alexsoll)
  • Spanish (done! Thanks, @nosnad)
  • Vietnamese (done! Thanks, @thancam)
  • Turkish (done! Thanks, @delarmo)
  • Chinese (needed)
  • French (done! Thanks, Dany L.)
  • Italian (needed)
  • Dutch (done! Thanks, Jo D.V.)
Dutch and French will be in the next version (v2.1.1)

- John
Ok, I will ask my friend to help you with Chinese :)
If you still need Spanish, my son in law is Puerto Rican and my daughter is fully fluent in Spanish. Let me know.
Thanks for the generous offer, John! I am currently working on other improvements involving the GUI so it's a bad time for another language translation. But I'll take you up on your offer at a later date if the demand is still there. Ciao!
I'm fluent in Gibberish if needed. As you know, many drivers across the world only understand nonsense, so it has a special cross-cultural/cross-national appeal. No payment needed.

Language is a virus from outer space, sent by aliens in order to listen to our thoughts.

I can do the Hungarian, if you wish. I used to work as translator for ITC companies... Dashcams are quite popular here and there are models which are not supported by Datakam, e.g. VIOFO A118/C or A119. So send me the file. I don't need the 50$, just a free reg for the SW.
Peace and love, dude. If Italian language is still needed, I will do that for free. You can send me the file to my email address: jjwestman@yandex.com

I can do the Hungarian, if you wish. I used to work as translator for ITC companies... Dashcams are quite popular here and there are models which are not supported by Datakam, e.g. VIOFO A118/C or A119. So send me the file. I don't need the 50$, just a free reg for the SW.

OK, I'm going to take you guys up on your generous offer. Will PM you the details. Thanks!
