Decided to Look At Some of My Videos - Quality?


And yes, low cut ignores the bottom part. Center does what you think it does.

Ok, so what I had it on was the right one. So there goes that idea.

So I guess I'll try angling it down a bit instead, see if that helps at all.
best is reload firmware, reset defaults and only change one setting at a time, if you want to cut a section of video anytime use Registrator Viewer as it will cut without any re-encoding, original unaltered files are always best but not always practical

Ok, I'll do all that tomorrow, see if it does anything. Not going to set it to low cut. That'll make it worse. I'll just flash firmware, reset defaults and angle it down, and take it from there.
This is why the naming/documenting of various options is critical - to avoid exactly this type of confusion/misunderstanding.

I agree, it gets a little ambiguous with the 'Centre' and 'Low-cut' options. 'Centre' should be called be just 'Low' and 'Low-cut' just 'Centre' as per the prioritised metering area. Would make it a lot easier for new users to understand. A little explanation would help too.
I agree, it gets a little ambiguous with the 'Centre' and 'Low-cut' options. 'Centre' should be called be just 'Low' and 'Low-cut' just 'Centre' as per the prioritised metering area. Would make it a lot easier for new users to understand. A little explanation would help too.

these settings aren't final yet, still have some changes to come, once finalised they'll be explained in the manual
Am I the only one a little envious of the 21:9 format cameras where sky vs. hood / bonnet exposure is less of a consideration? I'm curious if that's actually helpful with exposure issues or just hype.
The aspect ratio will have some part to play with the exposure, but in theory a camera could use the same centre weighted metering across the mid area of either a 16:9 or a 21:9 sensor. Just because it has a wider image, that does not mean that it uses all of that width for the exposure calculation.
Am I the only one a little envious of the 21:9 format cameras where sky vs. hood / bonnet exposure is less of a consideration? I'm curious if that's actually helpful with exposure issues or just hype.

it's not so much about being less of a consideration but for a dashcam application it just eliminates what is essentially useless parts of the picture in a lot of cases
Just because it has a wider image, that does not mean that it uses all of that width for the exposure calculation.

I hear you, but I was thinking that the wider aspect ratio has less of the extremes of sky and sheet metal. Should be easier to get the exposure right.