Defective Sound Recording


New Member
Feb 15, 2016
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Hi folks,

after a long period of waiting I finally recieved my Gitup Git2 and couldn't wait to give it a try.
Unfortionally mine isn't recording any sound, but just noise (sound like wind in the recording).
The sound settings (High, Medium, Low) just affect the level of the noise.

I uploaded a little clip on youtube showing the problem:
And no, there is no wind in my room :D

Did anyone before encounter this problem? Is there a solution?
A firmware upgrade didn't help.

Hopefully there will be a solution,
I already contacted banggood (where I bought the camera) and I will keep you updated about their solution.

Thanks a lot!

if there is a mic off option in the menu and you set that do you get any noise or is it dead quiet?
there is a "Record Audio Level" option in the menu.
If you chose "Mute" the record is dead quiet, as it should be.
On the other options (Low, Medium, High) the noise just changes the level.

then it is more likely a faulty mic, if sending it back isn't an option (you don't know pain until you try and do a return to China) you might at least be able to use an external mic and still have a functional product
Thank you for your quick reply.
I already ordered an external mic and it should arrive soon.
Hi folks,

after a long period of waiting I finally recieved my Gitup Git2 and couldn't wait to give it a try.
Unfortionally mine isn't recording any sound, but just noise (sound like wind in the recording).
The sound settings (High, Medium, Low) just affect the level of the noise.

I uploaded a little clip on youtube showing the problem:
And no, there is no wind in my room :D

Did anyone before encounter this problem? Is there a solution?
A firmware upgrade didn't help.

Hopefully there will be a solution,
I already contacted banggood (where I bought the camera) and I will keep you updated about their solution.

Thanks a lot!

Seems not normal, can you reset to factory default and record a short video outside and share to us again.
... (you don't know pain until you try and do a return to China) you might at least be able to use an external mic and still have a functional product

I too received a defective camera. Something loose inside which makes a rattling noise when used during "action".

Gitup: "We could change a camera for you, however you need to send the fault one back and cover the shipping costs back and forth (China). Have a nice day."
Highly rated Ebay vendor, who I have contacted (not really their fault for defect). Gitup told me to resolve the issue with vendor, instead of through their Support direct.
Either way, if I have to pay shipping costs, it won't be worth the time, cost, and hassle. I can't believe anyone has ever bothered to do that.
The onus is on the seller to support the warranty

That's fine, but the fact remains - factory package, defective Gitup Git2 Camera. No worries, lesson learned I guess.
The seller is the one that is meant to support this, standard retail terms, buy off eBay and this is what happens I guess
That's fine, but the fact remains - factory package, defective Gitup Git2 Camera. No worries, lesson learned I guess.
If you try to save money by buying from somewhere which is expensive for returns then you should know the risk you are taking and be prepared to take that risk, it's not something to complain about. If you want easy, cheap returns then buy locally.

If you are not prepared to pay for the return then you do have the option to open the camera and try to solve the problem yourself, there are no real moving parts in the camera so it should be reasonably easy to identify something that is loose, although first check that it is not your mount that is causing the noise, it can be hard to tell if a rattle on the audio track is internal or external to the camera.
I too received a defective camera. Something loose inside which makes a rattling noise when used during "action".
Actually we tested each about the inside noise to check if anything loosen inside.
We heard the Wi-Fi button is not fixed very well in early batch, but this is improved some month ago.
Hi folks,

At first I would like to to thank the Gitup support team!!!
They contacted me and sent me a new and working Gitup, which already arrived.

In contrary to Banggood.
It was the first time I had a problem with an order and the first time I contacted their support. They didn't even answer my request. I really can't recommend this shop anymore, even though I had good experience before (or at least no bad experience).
So better think twice where to order, even if the prices are very cheap sometimes...

But now back to the camera...
In the meantime the external mic arrived and I tried it out. It works fine with the defektive camera. So there may be a chance to replace the internal mic by a working one.
As I have to return the camera, I can't give it a try.

Best regards
Hi folks,

At first I would like to to thank the Gitup support team!!!
They contacted me and sent me a new and working Gitup, which already arrived.

In contrary to Banggood.
It was the first time I had a problem with an order and the first time I contacted their support. They didn't even answer my request. I really can't recommend this shop anymore, even though I had good experience before (or at least no bad experience).
So better think twice where to order, even if the prices are very cheap sometimes...

But now back to the camera...
In the meantime the external mic arrived and I tried it out. It works fine with the defektive camera. So there may be a chance to replace the internal mic by a working one.
As I have to return the camera, I can't give it a try.

Best regards
I've ordered several items from banggood - both from china and the US warehouse. when i accidentally ordered a PAL camera for my quadcopter, i contacted them and asked to switch it to NTSC - they changed it without a problem and sent me the correct camera. obviously no vendor is perfect, but i've had no trouble with them.