Disable sound


New Member
Oct 2, 2014
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United Kingdom
Is there an easy way, or firmware to disable the boot/key press sounds? My current firmware (from e-prance) doesn't seem to include such an option.
There used to be this option in mid 2013 0801 firmwares. They removed it in the late 2013 release after adding MPH etc. The reasoning when I asked was they had limited ROM storage. This shouldn't be the case in newer 0803 though so don't see why they can't re add that previous functionally.
A small bit of black electrical insulating tape over the speaker grill brings the volume down to a much more pleasant level, still audible but only a background noise instead of it shouting at you. (The speaker grill is the small three hole grill at the front, not the bigger battery ventilation grill)

Not sure if anyone has one available with the sounds removed, but you can remove them from the firmware using the A7 Tool if volume reduction is not enough.
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Look for the 20140804 firmware from iTracker, it has the option to disable sound and the mic mute works.
I've updated to the iTracker version and I agree it's much better! I've disabled the key press sound but I still get a sound on boot, is there anyway to turn that off?

Thanks for the suggestion of the tape over the speaker (and for pointing out it's the smaller three holes!)
15Mbs is the sweet spot. 18 is a very tiny bit better but not worth the sacrificed storage space. 32 seems a bit much :-) how do you like 32?
It really takes much space.... ^^
Thats why I upgraded all my sdcards to Samsung 32GB U1 (equal to class10) ones. That's enough for recording the whole drive to School and back :D
The actual Bitrate is even higher.
It takes like 320MB/Minute.

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I need 2 card and gps, working firmware.. maybe it will come someday ;)
Unfortunately there exists no 2 Cards Version of this Firmware because they only sell single Card devices,..
Have i understand something wrong?
Somewhere it was informed, that cams with card are 2 card models.. because internal memory is counted as one card.
So if my cam has internal memory AND memorycard slot, then it's 2 card model?
yes you have the 2card model
Unfortunately there exists no 2 Cards Version of this Firmware because they only sell single Card devices,..
I'm running the iTracker on my 2Card device. If i take the card out and reboot it it will let me start recording without a card, but when I plug it into my PC it comes up USB connecting, but does not display a drive to go through.
Maybe my private firmware will suit you.. (iTracker without boot/shutdown sounds).
But there are also some other modifications like higher Bitrate (32mbps) in this Firmware
I'm running a 64GB card so size won't be an issue. after I update with a 32GB card.
Do you have a write up of the other changes? just curious.
Hello, it's nice that sound mute is working in iTracker FW but sound stream is presented in the file => it consume the space on SD card for nothing.

Isn't possible to disable sound encoding completely?
The audio track is a very small percentage of the total
Yes, but it's about the principle...if it's possible why not do it (maybe over FW tool?) I would be interested to modify FW that way because of security.