DR650GW-2CH and Registrator Viewer


New Member
Nov 7, 2015
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Hi all,

I'm new here, but I've had a couple of Blackvue dashcams for some years, and I've found them pretty good to use, but the Blackvue software is only any good for setting up the unit, not for watching the recordings. I always used to use the Datakam Registrator Viewer, but it can't understand the .gps and .3gf files that my DR650 creates.

It works fine with recordings from my old DR500, so I'm assuming Pittasoft changed the format of the files for the 650. Does anyone have a way to convert the files back to the old format, or will the Datakam software be updated soon?
I've tried v6.0, which I believe is the latest, along with a random selection of v5.x releases. Would the fact that I'm using Windows 10 make any difference? BTW, I'm only using it as a single channel as the moment too.
I have no idea if Windows 10 could be your problem. Is there an option to install it in a compatibility mode? This is the best viewer that I have found and works very well on my Windows 7. My version is The person that made this (program) had a motorcycle accident and is no longer with us. Unless someone else has the code and interest in maintaining it.. this could be the end of the line for Registrator Viewer :(
I'm so sorry to hear about the author. I've got access to a Windows 7 laptop, so I might try it on there.