DVR 027 non-cycle operation


New Member
Feb 3, 2013
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I'm new to dash cams and want to use one for recreational driving rather than normal monitoring. Will all of these cameras operate in non-cyclic mode and create single, continuous files (for example, 45 min) when manually started? My intended use is to capture a whole 20 to 50 minute session or race on a closed race circuit. Many racers I know buy action/sports cameras like GoPro Hero, but I have seen output from these and they do not look much better than some dashcams (especially the older GoPros).

Based on the few posts I've browsed and the comparison page, the DVR 027 720P looks like my first choice. Will this one take large continuous files if cycling is turned off? The DVR 027 info page notes that gaps of a few seconds are inevitable in cyclic mode.

If the cheap 640x480 cams will also record in non-cycle mode, that may be good enough for my uses... Night vision and reading license plates are not a factor. I just want a record of the race for giggles and to review my technique to get better. Plus, I can afford more of them :) and have one watching in each direction, monitor hands/feet, etc. A couple years ago I bought some $10 keychain cameras that are limited to 20min videos I think, and I never got around to making re-usable mounts. I got one enjoyable set of vids at a low-speed event but I think I would prefer spending a little more on something a little better.

depends on the software of the cam you choose, they typically offer a continuous mode as in they will keep shooting until the card is full, they will often still have split points though, decent cams don't lose anything at the split point, really depends what you buy, if you want to use them in a motorsport application you might want to check with the scrutineers and see if they have any requirements for the mounting, it may need a fixed mount rather than an on glass mount and may need to be tethered separately as well

they generally do this for your own protection in case it came loose and hit you while driving
This site indicates that the DVR027 is about the cheapest "good" camera out there yet it still has gaps at splits, but maybe I'll have to try one out if nobody has used that particular model in that mode. The review a few posts down of "Smallest HD 720p" indicates there were no gaps so maybe that is another I should consider. Having a screen for setting up different views would be convenient though.

I appreciate the advise about mounting - I was thinking above a certain weight tethers were required and planned to at least bolt down the camera. I just reviewed the newly published rule set for 2013 and was surprised to see that the rule USED to be:
Cameras must use at least one (1) bolt to attach to the mount and at least one (1) additional strap or tether must be used to secure the camera. Cameras under six (6) ounces need not be strapped or tethered.

but is now revised to:
Camera mounts are unrestricted providing that they serve no other purpose.

Tethering is still a good idea and I planned to mount at least one camera to the roll cage with a bolt as originally suggested.
trackvids said:
This site indicates that the DVR027 is about the cheapest "good" camera out there yet it still has gaps at splits, but maybe I'll have to try one out if nobody has used that particular model in that mode. The review a few posts down of "Smallest HD 720p" indicates there were no gaps so maybe that is another I should consider. Having a screen for setting up different views would be convenient though.

I appreciate the advise about mounting - I was thinking above a certain weight tethers were required and planned to at least bolt down the camera. I just reviewed the newly published rule set for 2013 and was surprised to see that the rule USED to be:
Cameras must use at least one (1) bolt to attach to the mount and at least one (1) additional strap or tether must be used to secure the camera. Cameras under six (6) ounces need not be strapped or tethered.

but is now revised to:
Camera mounts are unrestricted providing that they serve no other purpose.

Tethering is still a good idea and I planned to mount at least one camera to the roll cage with a bolt as originally suggested.

wasn't sure what the rules were for your part of the world, here we have CAMS (Confederation of Australian Motor Sport) and the events they cover are reasonably strict with regards to mounting, we've just done a bracket for our camera to work with a CAMS approved roll cage mount, just to simplify things, easier to work with what's out there already I think, adding a tether is still a good idea though, the cameras don't weigh a lot, around 100 grams in our case (don't know what that is in ounces), probably not enough to hurt you if it went flying but not the kind of distraction you'd want I'm sure if you're in the middle of a moment

I'd probably look at a 1080p cam, the extra detail is worth it for your application, one with GPS will also give you some basic telemetry, speed, acceleration, 3 axis G-Sensor etc, with the data you collect it can either be shown on screen, like this or you can turn that off and just have the video file without any extra detail and the GPS data can be imported separately and overlaid onto the video using something like this
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I'm with NASA (Nat'l Auto Sport Ass'n) which is not too dissimilar from SCCA (Sports Car Club of America), both focusing on sports car road racing vs. the numerous circle track organizations (NASCAR etc). I drive a 1988 BMW 325iS in a low-prep group called SpecE30. Would like to be making vids like this:

I have seen packages like DashWare but not at such an affordable price point. I have a G2X GPS DAQ already, which the DashWare site says they can!
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