Emailing registrator viewer files

Judge Roy Bean

New Member
Aug 20, 2014
Reaction score
United States
I have a one minute video clip saved to my desktop through the registrator viewer software that came with my Mini0803. I have tried several times to email that file to my mobile phone without success. I have also tried zipping the file as well as a standard email file. I would have thought a one minute video clip would be no problem but obviously I was wrong.

Can anyone give me a kick or a clue of what I'm doing wrong? (My viewer is is for windows but my mobile is Apple. QuickTime viewer is made by Apple so you would think it would go through).....
probably around 100mb yeah? most email programs are limited to 25mb (unzipped value) attachments, upload it somewhere and email a link if you need to share with someone else

if you're using an iPhone you can import into iTunes and then copy to the phone like any movie file
Found a pretty easy work around to saving your files and showing the to whomever you want without hassles of file size......

Create a YouTube account and upload your Dashcam files to your channel. You can make each file public or private as to who you wish access. To those whom you give access, you just provide a link to the file at YouTube.

I did this since I was driving home after dinner and a guy on a motorcycle pulled past me then stood on his bike seat and ran a wheelie for a mile before Slowing down to run a wheelie on the front wheel...... Here is the YouTube link should you wish to see
. Going to change the title to "crotch rocket asshole".........
If someone has a better fix then uploading videos to file sharing services such as YouTube I'm all ears. The video files are to large to email or text to someone even though they are one minute cuts and are zipped.

So other than YouTube and not using YouTube stabilization features, what's a guy to do?????
just upload to a file share, dropbox, mega, mediafire etc and you can share the original file without any change and including the GPS data