Failed--Memory Error

Mar 29, 2015
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United States
Just a couple hours ago I received my G1WH through Amazon. It was a curious purchase because the seller's name appeared to change a few times while awaiting apparent backorder.

Anyway, the camera failed upon first use. I got "MEMORY ERROR" within seconds after trying to record video. I got the same error, plus lockups, using different microSD cards, so I guess it wasn't a card problem.

I also tried different loop recording settings, but that made no difference.

Amazon has made the return process very easy, and the UPS is picking it up tomorrow.

At this point, I don't want to reveal the seller's name--although I had tried to contact the seller, the Amazon interface made it difficult to find that link in this case.
that's a hardware failure so nothing you could have done, can happen to any seller, so as long as Amazon are sorting things out I don't really think you have an issue
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