few questions about Panorama2s


Aug 27, 2014
Reaction score
United States
hey guys, just wanting about to pull the trigger on the unit however I have a few questions if anyone would be so kind as to answer.

I would like to know one, how much better is the Panorama2s vs the G1W-C I compare these units since I live in Texas and heat is one thing these units will see a lot of... I mean HOT, humid, evil heat!

Another question is if Pier28 is a reputable dealer on Amazon?

and last but not least, if anyone has bought a unit from amazon with smart-guard warranty. it seems to be fairly priced and with these units taking a lot for abuse with the heat I believe this is a no brainer, however if they are not honorable then then why bother... Any experience would be helpful.

On another note, I travel a lot and have been thinking of getting a unit to put on the hotel window pointed at the car all night as my own personal surveillance, any ideas on something with this kind of capability? I was thinking about using my phone (note 3) but I wouldn't have any idea about a good app to use.
@Pier28 is on here a lot and is reputable - he's the only Powerucc approved dealer in the USA - it was stated on here by Powerucc that DGTLSYSTEMs are basically selling unauthorised items so any warranty would be covered by them rather than Powerucc.

The Panorama has much better night performance - if you only drive in the day why not try both and then stick the G1W up back? They're from two very different segments of the market - if you just want a basic cam the G1WC would do but if you want something that's better across the board with a better feature set the Panorama is the one.
I would like it to last... You think the GW1-C will hold up as well as the panorama? I'm talking smack your momma heat in Texas... Dry, evil, vial heat! Lol
Panorama is the current high heat king, can easily operate at 90C/194F during parking mode + green house heat effect. Your memory card will fail before the Panorama does. If you want a true long lasting set it and forget it appliance Panorama is well worth the "you get what you pay for" equation. The QA in Korea is very good, low RMA, happy customers.
Well good then.. Lol I bought it with prime. So get it to me asap! Lol
Well good then.. Lol I bought it with prime. So get it to me asap! Lol

Perfect timing, we just re-stocked prime this week.
Here is our Amazon Seller Account Rating too by the way.
I always give over the top customer service and support.
Any thoughts on the smart guard warrenty?
I have a road trip Tuesday. So if you could ship it today, because I know one the weekend gets here, then Memorial day. My only hope is for you to ship it today with the 2 day shipping speed. :-)

I seen some comments by you willing to fix other sellers mess, that was honorable and earned my business.
Any thoughts on the smart guard warrenty?

(wasn't even aware of this program, must be an Amazon thing)

I have a road trip Tuesday. So if you could ship it today, because I know one the weekend gets here, then Memorial day. My only hope is for you to ship it today with the 2 day shipping speed. :)

I seen some comments by you willing to fix other sellers mess, that was honorable and earned my business.

Happy to help. I have no control shipping Amazon Prime orders. I would cancel the Prime Order, and Order Directly if you want it shipped today.
(currently missing USPS options, pick what ever and I'll be sure to ship USPS Priority 2 day mail and refund any difference)
Well the prime order is "guaranteed friday" so we will see.. It was purchased with my amazon store card.
anyway to plug it on to the wall and point out in to a parking lot? :-)
anyway to plug it on to the wall and point out in to a parking lot? :)

The Panorama can be powered by the microUSB port at the top. (but Recordings need to be manually started at least one time)
Automatic Recording is only supported via the 12V power port on the side. (normal cigarette adapter)
Anyone know what kind of SD card this unit takes? What would be the difference between 64 and 128 in terms of time...