File protect button


Active Member
Jun 28, 2015
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United Kingdom
Apologies if this has been asked before, but if an incident happens at say 4:50 in the loop (if set to 5 min loops) and by the time you have pressed the file protect button it has started a new loop will it protect the previous loop where the incident happened?
Apologies if this has been asked before, but if an incident happens at say 4:50 in the loop (if set to 5 min loops) and by the time you have pressed the file protect button it has started a new loop will it protect the previous loop where the incident happened?

No, but It will at least mark a file close to the Segment you want to review. (Easier to find) You should pull the card and copy what you need right away. You could even get a backup card to swap in if you know you can't eject the card in the next 5+ hours if 32GB
Me using the mental note and not the event button to find events when i get home, i have to say this is becoming a issue for me now so i will soon start to use the event button to tag files i want to save.

That made me wonder :rolleyes:
Would it be possible to have a dual function on the event button ?
Say if you short press you will save the event to the event folder and it will be safe from recycling.
And here is the kicker, if you long press the event button you will just save the time/date in another folder so you can go there to see the time of the events you would want to share / save at home, maybe clicking on the time/date in that folder would take you directly to the event in the footage like a internet shortcut.

Off course these 2 ways of doing things are pretty much doing the same, but i think i would use this "new" way if i could instead of the "old" way of saving a event.
I am mainly interested in just getting a tag so i effortless can navigate to the event in the footage i want to save, protecting a event from getting recycled is not so much of a intrest for me in this regard.

Maybe this way of looking at manual ( or sensor triggered ) event recording could be expanded on so instead of event files being events handled by files, maybe event could be handled by time/date of event trigger and they the end user could decide how large he would want the event files to be, so say he select 2 minutes in the menu then the event file will be 1 minute before the event time/trigger and 1 minute after the event time/trigger.

This i think would be a way to get by having to save 2 files if a event is right at the end of a file in what even time size you use for your always recordings.

So events will be based on the time of the trigger rather as now where the event i assume is decided on what event file is recording when the event happen.
I am wondering again :):rolleyes: what happen if you press the event button right at the time between 2 file segments ?

I know the chance of this happening is little, but still ??

I would assume the code in the camera would save the oldest video segment as it after take a few seconds to reach the event button, or shorter for the G-sensor to trigger a event, but still i assume the code will focus back in time.
Thanks. I guess the longer your loop setting the less risk there is for this. It's just something I kept wondering when incidents happen and I kept forgetting to ask in here.

I'm assuming protected events aren't safe from formatting in camera though?
No if you format the card in the camera then everything is gone.

Event files are just protected from the automated recycling of old files in case memory card is full.