Firmware 20140826?

Yeah but i reccomend flashing the itracker branded one.
Alright i'll take a look at it. Thank you. You guys have been a lot of help helping me sort my new mini out. I really appreciate it.
I'll flash the itracker branded one and have some shots up in my thread in the next few days.
Still missing the GPS stamp in the new firmware, just tested it now. iTracker continues to be the best option today with GPS stamp. Unfortunately, my 0803 is the 2 card version and iTracker FW is for 1 card only cameras. When I flash it in my camera, I lose the 16 Gb internal card. The camera can record videos in it if there is no other card in the MicroSD slot, but I can't take these videos out of it because the computer does not "see" this card when I connect it using the USB cable.

Is there any way to make iTracker FW for 2 card cameras? Or the only solution is to buy another MicroSD card? Thank you.
Hi guys. Someone knows how l do to extract the original firmware the 0803? Mine is 20140507 and the videos are very bad. So l will do a backup and test another firmware. By the way, what do you
recomends? 20140812? Mine doesn`t have the mute bug.
Just read this lot and ooh my head hurts - you guys are certainly somewhere up there a place I can't even dream about and here am I about to purchase the Mini 0803 for my Daughters motor - not sure now!

Mind you I am awaiting a certain manufacture who appears on this forum from time to time - a nod is as good as a wink to a blind equine quadruped - to fit into my Merc I will then not have to worry about flashing my mega bits and tuning the giggling bites, all good then.
I received a new firmware from E-prance, and they send me. But, how to know what version it is? The name of archive is firmware.bin. I tried open it on notepad++ but didn't see the version.
I received a new firmware from E-prance, and they send me. But, how to know what version it is? The name of archive is firmware.bin. I tried open it on notepad++ but didn't see the version.
Search in notepad for the text "FW2014". without the quotes, that should take you to the version number.
Thank you guys,
I found the version of firmware: 20140510 v1.
That's quite old for a new version
Yes, I am a little sad. I am thinking to do a upgrade for itraker version on tobias site.