Focus problem


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2015
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United States
Ever since I got my new GC I thought there was something wrong with the focus - It just didn't look as sharp as I was used to my nanoQ. Especially in lower part (about 1/3 from the bottom)
Today I did some tests and sure enough, it looks like bottom part and especially corners are way out of focus. Almost seems like the sensor or the lens holder are not perfectly level. Here is an example:


nanoQ for comparison:

Raw files:!I1RxkLqB!0CF2g5QihN2moMuLyh-1Kg
Ok, can anyone please take a look at the first sample (or better yet raw file) and tell me if it looks right?
Pay attention to lower 1/3 and lower corners.
Usually if there is a focus issue, then you would see it at the centre. Your focus at the centre is perfect. At the very edge of the corners there is a very little blur, but can you make sure edges of the lens are clean and have no fingerprints or smears. It is hard to reach edges of lens on GC while cleaning them, so you might need to use some special cleaning equipment like Lenspen.
Usually if there is a focus issue, then you would see it at the centre. Your focus at the centre is perfect. At the very edge of the corners there is a very little blur, but can you make sure edges of the lens are clean and have no fingerprints or smears. It is hard to reach edges of lens on GC while cleaning them, so you might need to use some special cleaning equipment like Lenspen.
The focus issue I am seeing is indicative of sensor and lens (lens holder) not aligned properly. (I've dealt with the same problem with NanoQ - although it was misaligned horizontally not vertically)
You are right, the focus is good in the center. However, the lower portion and especially lower corners are way more blurry than the top.
BTW the lens is clean.
Check out this frame - everything bellow the line is blurry. The same area on top is fine.
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It is is unlikely an alignment issue as such but there may be another issue, we are looking at something now, if you can live with it as is for a bit while we check this out and if needed I'll get you sorted out once confirmed
It is is unlikely an alignment issue as such but there may be another issue, we are looking at something now, if you can live with it as is for a bit while we check this out and if needed I'll get you sorted out once confirmed
Sure I can wait. In the mean time I will print the focus test patterns @Street Guardian USA sent me and post more pictures.
Yeah send me the results of that if you can, I'll be with the engineers next week, it will be helpful
OK gentlemen. @jokiin, @Street Guardian USA I posted some footage here:!c0ojgbrb!IblsNlpuW_hHK6b7BC6xhQ

For comparison I also used A119 and nanoQ. The patterns were printed on 11" x 17" paper (I can't print anything bigger)
The distance was 10' initially for the first part of test and about 6' after that. I had to get a little closer to get the patterns in corners.

The result is what I demonstrated in the above image Focus problem where the lower corners are a lot more blurry than the rest of the image.
just downloading now, if there's a fault there we'll get it replaced for you, USA are out of stock right now but we are airfreighting a delivery now which they should have early next week so at worst you might need to wait a few extra days before we can get a replacement out to you
just downloading now, if there's a fault there we'll get it replaced for you, USA are out of stock right now but we are airfreighting a delivery now which they should have early next week so at worst you might need to wait a few extra days before we can get a replacement out to you
OK, thanks.
New symptom: focus shift in upper area. This is from today - after about an hour on mild sun.vlcsnap-2016-09-19-23h02m48s294.png vlcsnap-2016-09-19-23h10m36s367.png
More examples. Check the crop of the dash... Definitely heat related.
vlcsnap-2016-09-20-19h38m06s339.png vlcsnap-2016-09-20-19h40m55s589.png
crop1.png crop2.png
Got the replacement yesterday. Currently running it along mini 0903. Will post results in Side by Side comparisons forum. Thanks again @Street Guardian USA and @jokiin
P.S. I would be interested in what the problem was (was it manufacturing, assembly, components?)
Got the replacement yesterday. Currently running it along mini 0903. Will post results in Side by Side comparisons forum. Thanks again @Street Guardian USA and @jokiin
P.S. I would be interested in what the problem was (was it manufacturing, assembly, components?)

Jon is coming to Hong Kong next month so will have him bring the camera here so we can open it up and have a look