Folders and filenames on SD Card


New Member
Mar 12, 2016
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United States
Dash Cam
Mobius, SG9665GC, SBX1100 Smarty Blackbox
I notice I have a .MOV file in the folder named RO (under the MOVIE folder). The file also has a filename which seems to share a file sequence number with a .MOV file in the MOVIE folder.




(The file in the RO folder was the last file of a trip and was recorded entirely while the vehicle was stopped and idling before I turned off the vehicle. The file in the MOVIE folder was the first file in the next trip.)

What files are written to the RO folder? Also, what do the numerals between the date and the file sequence represent? 153611 in the first file above and 151433 in the second?

Files are put in the RO (Read Only) folder either as a result of the g-sensor triggering something unusual or by pressing the 'event' button on the camera. Since the vehicle was idling maybe opening or slamming a door was sufficient to trigger the g-sensor.

The 6 digit number in the file name is the time in HHMMSS format, the 3 digit number following that is just a sequence number.
Ahh... thanks. Yeah, the time stamp is obvious now that you point it out. And perhaps I hit the <OK> button while the car was idling and caused the file to be saved as an Event. It's likely I was fiddling with the camera on that occasion.
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