Forum Rules

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Jun 30, 2012
Reaction score
1. Treat other members with respect. While debating and heated discussion is fine, we will not tolerate personal attacks, rudeness or inflammatory posts.

2. The site is a PG-13. Please keep your language clean and do not post or link to offensive material.

3. The location field is now mandatory. Please ensure your location field is accurate. This should contain your country. It is optional to include your region / state / city / town.

4. Each member is allowed one account. Multiple user account registrations for one individual are not permitted. When discovered, we reserve the right to delete, revoke or merge any or all of these accounts, without further notice.

5. Do not falsely represent yourself as another person or as a representative of a business that you do not actually represent.

6. Dash Cam manufacturers and retailers are currently allowed to post on the forums. Please identify yourself as a manufacturer or retailer either in your signature or via a website link. We will assign you a "Retailer" or "Manufacturer" rank which will appear under your user name when you post. Ensure your posts add value to the discussion rather than just being spam.

7. Spamming is not allowed and will result in having your account removed.

8. Posting of affiliate links is not allowed. Some links are automatically converted to affiliate links to help fund the site.

9. Since this an international forum, "bashing" of any nation, people, individuals, ethnic groups, race or minorities is prohibited (even your own country). This includes any insulting imagery of any people(s) or nation. Inflammatory political comments and imagery is also not allowed on the forum.

If you have any comments or suggestions for our site rules, please create a post in this forum and we will take it into consideration.
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