Freezes on power removed + randomly


New Member
Jul 10, 2015
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So after about two months of waiting for GearBest to send the replacement for the previous bricked camera (see here, which I sent at my own expense, the new one seems bad as well...

- I would say 80% of the time, when the power is removed, instead of recording for a few more seconds then shutting down like normal, it just freezes with the last image. Must reset by holding power button to get it to respond at all.
- sometimes it freezes also while recording (solid red light, no image on screen and no response). Again must reset.
- sometimes (not always) it creates the whole bunch of log files on the card

Tried: formatting card in camera, firmware update to the latest (jan 2016), power from a battery pack and the cigarette adapter, resetting settings to default.

Now I read many threads about freezes and it seems they are all different... I know some people suggest to get a different card, so if you think this is the problem I can try it, but honestly I am very weary of putting more money into this camera...

In any case, for those of you who think about getting this camera -- don't! Very likely you will end up with an expensive and useless piece of junk.

Any ideas? Thanks.
Nah. I just removed the card from my phone (a decent quality AData card) and it does the same thing. The camera is faulty.

So 2 out of 2 at this point. This is crap. I will try to get a refund.
Gearbest DOES NOT give refunds - 1. first you have to ship it back to china at your own expense and 2. they will put the refund in a 'wallet' whose funds must be used to purchase something else on their site. They have two other 'options' which are 'worse' (imho) but none where they actually give you your money back.
Thanks for the warning, yeah, I noticed the thing about the refund to the wallet, and I know about the shipping costs (I already had to do that once, for my earlier faulty camera).

I have to try though, I made it very explicit that I expect a refund on my credit card, not their store wallet. And that I don't want to pay shipping again.

It is pointless to ask for another replacement, it's clear this whole batch of cameras is bad, it's like playing russian roulette with one empty chamber and 5 bullets... :)
you may pay to send it back and end up with the wallet anyway. I just disputed the charge with Visa and got my money back that way.
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from my experience, 100% a card problem.
fake cards are not acceptable, C4 or lower cards are not acceptable, long term used cards are not acceptable, some TLC flash cards are not acceptable, and big card need to be formated to FAT32