FSD beta 12.3.6 gets rear ended


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2014
Reaction score
United States
Dash Cam
Two Viofo 129 PRO cameras and a Tesla Model 3 4 Channel
Car behind was a bit close, but you don't expect the car in front of you to just stop with a big gap in front it, so I do wonder if there would have been an accident at all if you hadn't had any of the driver aids? A human only driver would not have left the gap, so the accident would have at least been less severe, but should automatics learn to fit in with the human drivers, or do humans have to learn to fit in with the automatic drivers?
Car behind was a bit close, but you don't expect the car in front of you to just stop with a big gap in front it, so I do wonder if there would have been an accident at all if you hadn't had any of the driver aids? A human only driver would not have left the gap, so the accident would have at least been less severe, but should automatics learn to fit in with the human drivers, or do humans have to learn to fit in with the automatic drivers?
The klaxon going off from the forward collision warning probably caused me to brake harder than I otherwise would have. I don't know if the car was also braking while I was stomping on the brake. The FSD system did not appear to be slowing down before my foot was on the brake. I was cursing before I was rear ended because I was mad that the FSD system was late braking, and I knew stopping quickly like that had a high probability of getting rear ended.
The FSD system did not appear to be slowing down before my foot was on the brake.
I guess that you saw the car in front's boot rise up as it braked heavily, and you reacted to that, while the Tesla doesn't react to that, so needed another half second to see the deceleration, which it actually had plenty of time for. It was probably in full control of things, nothing particularly unusual was happening. When taking over control, it is inevitable that you will not get things perfect, you were not ready.

In the end, it was the lady behind following too closely that caused the accident, and she is at fault under law, but the unusual thing was you stopping suddenly with a significant gap to the person in front. Having two things in charge of the controls is never going to work well, either the car should have full control, or the driver should have full control, not both. At some point, the car will be the better driver and should be trusted.
I guess that you saw the car in front's boot rise up as it braked heavily, and you reacted to that, while the Tesla doesn't react to that, so needed another half second to see the deceleration, which it actually had plenty of time for. It was probably in full control of things, nothing particularly unusual was happening. When taking over control, it is inevitable that you will not get things perfect, you were not ready.

In the end, it was the lady behind following too closely that caused the accident, and she is at fault under law, but the unusual thing was you stopping suddenly with a significant gap to the person in front. Having two things in charge of the controls is never going to work well, either the car should have full control, or the driver should have full control, not both. At some point, the car will be the better driver and should be trusted.
If the AI was handling it properly, then the foreword collision warning klaxon should not have sounded. At the moment, the AI can not be trusted. A few days before this, the AI nearly ran into a car that was exiting the road, but taking too long to do so. I had to hit the brakes then too.