G1W-C Stuck on green welcome screen


New Member
Nov 20, 2014
Reaction score
United States
I have a G1W-C that gets stuck on the green welcome screen. It seem to always happen in the morning when I get in my car for the first time of the day and then it happens at random throughout the day. When it happens in the morning I have to push the power off button and then cycle it about 6 times for it to start working. I have firmware 2013.1112.18 installed and I am using a Transcend Class 10 16gb card. I bought the camera from Foxoffer1. I have also pushed the reset button while it is stuck on the welcome screen. That only shuts it off. When I power it back on it gets stuck on the welcome screen and it doesn't reset anything. This would be a great camera and I would buy another one if it would work reliably. Has anyone else had this problem? Does anyone know how to fix this problem?
I will try it without a card and see what happens.
Is there a more reliable card that I can buy? I seem to remember reading that the Transcend Class 10 is a pretty good card.
Ok, I tried it with the card out and it still gets stuck on the welcome screen. So the problems isn't caused by the card.
Ok, I tried it with the card out and it still gets stuck on the welcome screen. So the problems isn't caused by the card.

yeah if still locking up it can't be the card, something else but it would be hardware related by the sounds of it

are you using the supplied power adapter, have you tried a different one?
Yes, I am using the supplied power adapter. I will try using another power supply.
if still no good with another supply then I think you've pretty much eliminated other possibilities and you're dealing with a hardware fault
I went out and tried a different power supply and it still freezes on the welcome screen.
I think you've narrowed it down to the camera itself, firmware update or reload might get it working but probably not, talk to wherever you bought it from about getting it replaced