Goal: Access A139 with Station Mode

Most of those do not apply in Denmark.

1: ride share companies are not legal here.
2: cops not really a problem here in that sense, though they are not as good as one would like.
3: i dont feel the interior cam add to anything in a normal setting, aside for claims like " he was on the phone i saw it"

They are welcome to examine my phone and see screen time / what apps used how much, which are all record low for a Dane, possible championship low for a person that actually have a phone.
Anyway looking at those parameters and the fact i have no social apps installed, or to a large degree no aftermarket apps at all installed.

Bigger picture my friend. Look at the news from the United States with people upset at police. Interior Cameras will capture interactions from within and surrounding the car.

United States is a huge market alone. Not sure about China. I presume interior cameras are legal there since they produce most of our equipment. Then you've got Russia. Home to a lot of fraudsters who create accidents for insurance claims.

And of course, ride sharing companies. I imagine China, Russia, US (huge world markets) all have legal 3 channel camera laws that are excellent for recording ride shares.
Yeah i am familiar with the predicament the Americans have, or some Americans have.
Sadly not better though to become a cop here is a 2 years and 4 months education,,,,,, so with that in mind it is bad here too.

When i get pulled over every 4 years or so, i jump out of my car, as i do not like people hovering over me, and thats perfectly okay here, i should not do that if i get to do my american grand tour,,,, must put a big ass sticker on dashboard saying " remain in your seat Brian " :)
thankfully,,,,, well most times, i am not held back by children,,,,,, or a GF / wife for that matter.
been several decades since i had a GF. i cant seem to bother when i get the chance.
Idea #28323 for this:
Use an Android smartphone with Termux, and Ngrok to make your dashcam accessible from the outside world.
Idea #28323 for this:
Use an Android smartphone with Termux, and Ngrok to make your dashcam accessible from the outside world.

Cell phone has to be rooted. Per earlier statements for hotspot to work withoutside internet.
I've connected to my A139 with WiFi on my smartphone, and I have my 4G turned on. I'm able to access my dashcam in the VIOFO app, and I'm able to access the internet, but, when I try to access in my web browser, I get no response. Any ideas? Is the app doing something special?
I've connected to my A139 with WiFi on my smartphone, and I have my 4G turned on. I'm able to access my dashcam in the VIOFO app, and I'm able to access the internet, but, when I try to access in my web browser, I get no response. Any ideas? Is the app doing something special?

That's been the whole discussion here my friend. Hotspots don't provide an outside ip, but a natted ip. So if your laptop is connected to the camera's wifi, you can access the camera from within the same network. Or if your computer is connected to your phone's hotspot (again same network), you can live view and access the camera files.

However, since hotspots give a 192.xxx.xxx.xxx IP, they are behind natted network. Cell phones don't offer the ability to bypass the nat and allow incoming traffic (viewing the camera from outside hotspot network) unless your phone is rooted. As a VPN and the Hotspot also use two different tunnels. I can run a VPN and connect my phone, but another PC connected to the same VPN still isn't sharing the same the network with the camera. A hotspot issues camera it's own internal ip different from the actual internet connection.

Long story short, the only solution is root your phone and use a hotspot teather app. I dont have a spare rooted phone to demonstrate proof of concept. So my testing has completed.
Ok I don´t mind to try these workarounds and report back but first my two main questions remain unanswered so if someone can kindly let me know something ?

1. To enabling Wifi station mode, apart from configuring SSID and Password for the wifi section within Station tab inside settings, what else needs to be done ? I have read press mic button during power on secuence ? Someone can clarify this point please.

2. Once Wifi is turned on this looks like turn off itself after a X amount of time, is there anyway we can have WIFI so stay on all the time ?

1) Well, i already said the StationMode option in the app is probably only cosmetic for now (no support on the Firmware side). I tried to enable it without success which i've mentioned in my previous post. Few days after i even tried to enable it directly via "Novatek API" with the same result.
The MIC thing is probably usable for A129 but i'm wondering what about A139 which uses the "Hold MIC for few seconds" for switching between h264/h265. Right after you enter SSID/Password the dashcam should reboot itself which doesn't happen, the app clearly doesn't send such command. I've tried to follow Novatek documentation and after reboot the dashcam just used the credentials for AP setup.

2) At this moment no. Wifi will be turned off after 10min without connection (it turned off several times to me even when the connection was active) and when the dashcam changes modes. I asked Viofo for a firmware with automaticaly enabled Wifi on start-up and they claimed that they probably could make a beta (no further update since then).

I've connected to my A139 with WiFi on my smartphone, and I have my 4G turned on. I'm able to access my dashcam in the VIOFO app, and I'm able to access the internet, but, when I try to access in my web browser, I get no response. Any ideas? Is the app doing something special?
Nope, nothing special. Probably a browser thing (for example latest versions of Explorer/Edge are giving me headaches quite often when instead of using the entered local IP it tries to look for that IP via Bing...). Could be just an issue that browser app would rather like to use network with internet connection instead of the network created only between the dashcam and your phone.
Ok I don´t mind to try these workarounds and report back but first my two main questions remain unanswered so if someone can kindly let me know something ?

1. To enabling Wifi station mode, apart from configuring SSID and Password for the wifi section within Station tab inside settings, what else needs to be done ? I have read press mic button during power on secuence ? Someone can clarify this point please.

2. Once Wifi is turned on this looks like turn off itself after a X amount of time, is there anyway we can have WIFI so stay on all the time ?


To put this in very simple terms. If your turn on the camera's wifi and connect your computer to the camera's wifi, you can browse in any browser to view files. Or in VLC http:/

If your camera is connected to your home wifi network, the same as above works. Be sure to port forward port 8192 to camera's mac id for vlc viewing. Port 80 if viewing the file browser over http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx. The internal ip will be the one router assigns it. You can also use live view from anywhere in the world using your home networks real ip and 8192 (vlc) or 80 (http file browsing) if the camera is connected to your home network.

Unfortunately, an unrooted cell phone will not provide the camera with the ability to receive incoming connections. So you will NOT be able to use live view from outside the internal network if your phone is the one acting as a hotspot. Meaning your PC would have to be connected to the phone's wifi along with the camera to access the camera live view or file brwoser. Otherwise, you can't use the phone's wifi and your computer or another smart phone to view live view or the http file browser from afar.
I've connected to my A139 with WiFi on my smartphone, and I have my 4G turned on. I'm able to access my dashcam in the VIOFO app, and I'm able to access the internet, but, when I try to access in my web browser, I get no response. Any ideas? Is the app doing something special?

Per what I said earlier. Camera Wifi Enable = Connect PC to Camera Wifi and can view live view via port 8192 or browse sd card http. If camera is in station mode and connected to a phone's hotspot, ONLY other devices also connected to the phone hotspot can use live view or browse the sd card via http. A phones hotspot is natted / filtered. No incoming connections are permitted. You would have to root your phone to circumvent this issue.

Proof of concept. Connect your camera to your home's wifi. Open port 8192 and 80 to the cameras internal 192.xxx.xxx.xxx IP. You'll be able to use your home networks real ip and browse the camera's live view and files from anywhere in the world.

Not true with a hotspot due to natting / filtered traffic.
But still don't get this... How connect the camera to my home network wireless if others users here are stating that Station Mode still is not functional? This is what I am asking from minute 1 and the answers here are mixed, you say you can but don't specify how and other users state that the option is there but just cosmetic!
But still don't get this... How connect the camera to my home network wireless if others users here are stating that Station Mode still is not functional? This is what I am asking from minute 1 and the answers here are mixing, you say you can but don't specify how and other users state that the option is there but just cosmetic!

1. I don't own the A139 yet. However, someone stated that the newest firmware adds station mode.

2. Follow whatever instructions to update firmware and enable station mode for the A139.

3. At least on the A129, once you update firmware, you initially connect to the camera via the camera's wifi. Then open the Viofo app and select station Mode. It will then prompt you in the Viofo App to enter the SSID (Wifi Broadcasting Name) and the Wifi Password.

4. Camera will then get assigned a 192.xxx.xxx.xxx ip. If it's the same as the Viofo A129 it'll be

To view live mode via your computer, you'll need the phone to be the hotspot. Connect the Camera and Computer to the phone hotspot. Then do as I described above.

To connect to your home wifi network, again, read above.

THE OPTION IS COSMETIC. With an unrooted phone hotspot, you cannot live view from outside of the same network if using your phone. Wifi hotspots don't permit incoming requests. So you'd have to root your phone to get around this limitation. Or invest in a 4g lte router that will permit setting up a vpn.

Otherwise, the only live view that works from outside the same network is connecting your camera to your home's wifi or another public wifi where ports 8192 and 80 are open (forwarded).

Cosmetic since you can't view camera's live feed or sd card files from anywhere outside the same network under normal conditions.

1. Buy that...Install Sim Card.
2. Download VMware Workstation 16 Player to a home pc that's always online.
3. https://openvpn.net/downloads/openvpn-as-latest-vmware.ova download that file and launch it with Vmware work station 16 player
4. Configure the VPN and forward the necessary ports on your router
5. Connect the router to the VPN running off pc at your house that's always on.
6. Connect your device that you want to view the camera from to the same vpn.

You're only allowed 2 connections free with that app. So Router + viewing device. This should allow you to view your camera from anywhere in the world.

I don't own the above device. Sorry, not exhausting my money on this endeavor. I don't have a spare phone to root nor do I have the interest in buying something to prove this point on something I doubt I'd ever use (live view). I don't park anywhere where I really need the ability to see my car from afar.
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This has to be the most hijacked thread, Mercuryin just asked how to use station mode on their home Wi-fi to download to their computer.
It appears, buried in the replies, that currently the A139 can’t do it yet but it’s in the pipeline. Can someone who is actually using the A139 confirm that? My app doesn’t have the option to configure it yet so I can’t test it.
This has to be the most hijacked thread, Mercuryin just asked how to use station mode on their home Wi-fi to download to their computer.
It appears, buried in the replies, that currently the A139 can’t do it yet but it’s in the pipeline. Can someone who is actually using the A139 confirm that? My app doesn’t have the option to configure it yet so I can’t test it.

He wanted to know about station mode. Nath confirmed it's available. He then asked how to connect to his home wireless. I explained that to him already.
But still don't get this... How connect the camera to my home network wireless if others users here are stating that Station Mode still is not functional? This is what I am asking from minute 1 and the answers here are mixed, you say you can but don't specify how and other users state that the option is there but just cosmetic!
He wanted to know about station mode. Nath confirmed it's available. He then asked how to connect to his home wireless. I explained that to him already.
Yes he did and immediately got hijacked with how difficult it will be to get it through a vpn and remotely accessing from anywhere in the world. Not remotely related to his question.