GPS Interference


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2015
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United States
I've been dealing with GPS problems for a while now. ( I think I now know what the problem is. There is a significant amount of interference coming out of nanoQ - no wonder that the GPS mount can't get a lock.
See my test:

The GPS in the mount is even closer...

@Rayman.Chan can you look into it?
Multiple GPS units in close proximity can cause issues for both - is yours a sample or a proper final version of the camera as maybe it's lacking some sort of cover or RF paint etc?
As far as know - final version - if there is a such thing :) I received it directly from the manufacturer.
As for the GPS units interfering with themselves, it is possible though unlikely. GPS modules are receivers only - there is nothing that they transmit. There is a small EMI from their CPUs but that's minimal.
Besides, I did a similar test with just nanoQ (without the mount) with the same results.
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if you have an Android phone there are some NMEA apps that give you detailed sat info, run the app and move it close to each device and you can see the effect on screen, it's not a professional test but will give you an idea of what's going on
if you have an Android phone there are some NMEA apps that give you detailed sat info, run the app and move it close to each device and you can see the effect on screen, it's not a professional test but will give you an idea of what's going on

Do you mean a GPS app on my phone? I did that first with the same result. I used my Garmin only because I wanted to shoot video with my phone.
I'll try to make a small metal shield and post my results.
try the camera powered next to your nav without being attached to its GPS and there's a good chance the result will be exactly the same
try the camera powered next to your nav without being attached to its GPS and there's a good chance the result will be exactly the same
Right. That was my first test. The GPS mount has no influence on this. Is this something related to the Novatek chip?
Didn't Möbius have similar problems?
Here is more. nanoQ without GPS mount:
Another test for you, while you are holding the camera next to your GPS stop the recording and see if signal strength changes at all
Tx, Lacibaci, it looks like i have the same issue with gps too.
Tx, Lacibaci, it looks like i have the same issue with gps too.
It would be interesting to see whether lower bit rate recording would make a difference.
Another test for you, while you are holding the camera next to your GPS stop the recording and see if signal strength changes at all
No effect at all. Interference starts when nano is turned on and stops when nano is turned off.
OK, here is an update: I purchased a brand new GPS module ($20) and, as expected, the behavior is exactly the same. As soon as I turn nano on the GPS looses the lock.
I verified that both modules work correctly stand alone.

I wish @Rayman.Chan would chime in here.

I have to say that just as other people who purchased nanoQ, I am thoroughly disappointed at the way this release has been handled.
There seems to be a repeating pattern of gps issue in these mini. I was planning on ordering another GPS unit to see if would fix it. Hopefully, there will be a FW fix to address this issue.
There seems to be a repeating pattern of gps issue in these mini. I was planning on ordering another GPS unit to see if would fix it. Hopefully, there will be a FW fix to address this issue.
Don't waste your money :( I doubt that this can be fixed with software. Most likely some kind of shielding will be necessary. Maybe more.