Gps locked up during drive


Active Member
Jun 5, 2016
Reaction score
United States
Dash Cam
1 SG9665GC, 3 SGZC12RC
This weekend I took a drive and at one point during the trip, the gps locked up. Watching the video, about 10 minutes in, my speed and location just get stuck and stay that way until I shut it down to watch the video. I'm not sure if it's happened before because I honestly rarely view the footage. Haven't needed to until this weekend. I at least still have the video footage, but also having the speed and location would make things so much easier. There are some spots that the trees could have blocked the signal I suppose, but the majority of the trip was in the wide open(2 laned highway).

This happened to anyone else?
Firmware is the latest posted here, beta 26 I think. Card was a Sandisk 200gb(, using the cig power supply cord.

Like I said, I have no idea if this happens often as I don't normally check the footage. Happened to need the footage this weekend and noticed.
No other reports of this, how do you have the GPS mounted? Is it on the dashboard (GPS logo facing up towards the sky)?
It's in the back of my car. I didn't do the flip thing as my rear window is damn near horizontal so sticking it to the rear panel, facing up, has always given me a signal. I do check that when I first turn it on, to make sure the gps signal has locked on. Always have the 3 green wifi looking thingys.
if it's just slightly sloped (not 100% vertical) you might want to flip the GPS for maximum GPS signal performance.
I've been using the same card for over half a year without issue, should be no issue there, GPS issue maybe, if you have any repeats of this let us know and we'll arrange a replacement GPS for you
I've been using the same card for over half a year without issue, should be no issue there, GPS issue maybe, if you have any repeats of this let us know and we'll arrange a replacement GPS for you

If it happens again, I'll be sure to note it. Wasn't meaning to imply anything was fundamentally wrong with either the cam or gps, was just curious if this was an issue I should be aware of, meaning it could potentially happen frequently enough to be an issue.
No problem, any anomalies are best reported so we can look into them, sometimes it can be something that only happens in a particular set of circumstances and can be hard to pinpoint but still needs investigating

Did the GPS stop mid file or at a file change point?
I checked and it was mid file. About 20 seconds into a 2 minute clip.
Tomorrow I can. Car gets parked at our shop at night and we take home one of our beaters. We live in the woods, steep, dirt driveway, not conducive to happy Camaro driving.
Sorry. Totally forgot. One of our dogs got hit today and died and I've been a sobbing mess all day.
maybe we can create a dog cam so the offender can be caught and crucified in court.