GPS trauma !


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2014
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United Kingdom
so I m in the centre of leeds going under the train tracks in the long tunnel and I hear the tone for my gps failing on the camera..

Worse still I havnt a clue which way to go when I come out of the tunnel and my sat nav lost its signal too...

who designs this rubbish !!!!
My sat nav loses the signal when I go through the Blackwall Tunnel (speed indicator goes off) but it still keeps giving me directions like "stay right in 800 yards." Spooky! :eek:
so I m in the centre of leeds going under the train tracks in the long tunnel and I hear the tone for my gps failing on the camera..

Worse still I havnt a clue which way to go when I come out of the tunnel and my sat nav lost its signal too...

who designs this rubbish !!!!
How do you expect the satellite signal to work inside a tunnel? It's not like terrestrial radio signal and even that sometimes is lost inside longer or thicker tunnels.
How do you expect the satellite signal to work inside a tunnel? It's not like terrestrial radio signal and even that sometimes is lost inside longer or thicker tunnels.
Time travel feature would work.. All it needs to do is know how fast and where you were going for the next ~ 15 minutes.
But seriously I have the same problem in underground parking lots where I loose GPS and do not know how to drive out. :)
phones have AGPS..
I'm surprised GPS works as well as it does, but I still don't trust them.
I can think of hundreds of times when it will tell me to turn on a road or street that isn't there. 'Turn right in 100 yards'. Uh.....there's no street there.

If you ever see a large truck going very slowly down a road, and the driver is staring at an empty lot, he's looking for the 200,000 square foot warehouse the GPS has just told him he has arrived at.
How do you expect the satellite signal to work inside a tunnel? It's not like terrestrial radio signal and even that sometimes is lost inside longer or thicker tunnels.
With gps repeater, "why" is more difficult question.
Trauma would be if you had Brian Blessed's voice installed on your sat nav and went through a tunnel...

Shouldent U-blox GPS "antennas" that care of such mondane things :p

A guy i know had Darth vader to navigate him, personally i would prefer to be able to make my own NAV commands.