GT2S/GT7S low battery safety cut off & parking mode


New Member
Aug 13, 2013
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Dash Cam
Livue LB100
According to the initial (obsolete ?) GT2S specs, the device applied/applies a "CELL=POWER low battery safety cut off module".

A few months ago, I installed a Lukas LK-350 power safety device.
Unfortunately, the 5% deviation on input voltage measurements render the device quite useless (see post : at 12V-12.5V (non-driving), the minimum 11.6V cutoff setting erroneously powers down the attached dashcams.

So :

1. Are there any specs/data on the expected input voltage measurement deviations of the GuardTrak ?

2. In a hypothetical combined front/rear dual dashcam model : are there any intentions to selectively power down the front/rear dashcam ?

3. What is the expected power consumption of a single/dual setup ?

4. The - IMO - killer feature of the Livue/Winy LB-100 is its excellent parking mode : in case of an event, it shows you the 15 seconds BEFORE and after the event.
Is this a (planned) feature of the GuardTrak model(s) ?
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1. +/- 0.1v, the control is digital but that's as accurate as you can get
2. no
3. will depend on the camera load
4. yes
Jokiin, first and foremost I'd like to thank you for your ongoing commitment.
Your continuous support doesn't seem to leave an informed customer any choice but to buy your products ...

1. Deviation :
Having watched your posts over the past few months, I didn't expect no less. :)

3. Power consumption : this is mostly relevant in parking mode (i.e. with G-sensor and motion detection enabled).
If I remember correctly (could be wrong on this), I measured 120-160 mA with a Livue/Winycam LB-100.
In a front/rear setup, this unfortunately amounts to a staggering 300 mA.
Are your pipelined products more power-efficient, or do I set my hopes too high ?

5. The answers in your initial reply are exactly what I hoped for.
Having just discovered the StreetGuardian thread (and not expecting the GTxS to hit the street any time soon - no offense meant), I'd like to ask whether the current (SG9665) and/or exciting near-future SG (capacitor / built-in GPS / WiFi) products have this same feature set :
* +/- 0.1V power cut deviation ;
* before/after event capture in parking mode.
Can't speculate about power consumption, something that will need to be measured when the time comes

Novatek based products aren't suitable for parking mode, there other Street Guardian models in the works that will be more suitable though
Can't speculate about power consumption, something that will need to be measured when the time comes

Novatek based products aren't suitable for parking mode, there other Street Guardian models in the works that will be more suitable though