GuardTrak GT7S


Jun 14, 2013
Reaction score
Northern Beaches, Sydney
I was just wondering what sort of timeframe do you estimate for the release of the GT7S after you finally get the GT2S out the door ?
How much of a difference in the video quality is there between the 1080p 30fps of the GT2S & GT75S and the 1080p 60fps of the GT7S ?

What impact does the 60fps have on file sizes ?
60fps makes very large files, you'll eat up data very quickly so larger memory is really needed, there are negatives and positives to 60fps, I'd say it's not for everybody, good for motorsports use where there's a lot of fast action going on
@jokiin Any estimate on how much the price would be for the GT7S? And what would be the max memory it can handle?
GT7S is too far away to be able to give a price right now, max memory support is 2TB, GT75S will come before this one
GT7S is too far away to be able to give a price right now, max memory support is 2TB, GT75S will come before this one
just looked on ebay, 256gb sdxc card is like $800. memory is gonna cost more than the recorder if you go to big.
It will be cheaper i think to get a SSD drive and put it in a USB box, a 256 Gb SSD is about 200 US dollars and add to that 20 buks for a box with usb 2.0 to house the SSD.

As durable as flash storage, should easy take 20 full revolutions when you roll your UTE in the outback ;)

Maybe jookin will even bundle a SSD box to get ppl on the right large storage track.
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It will be cheaper i think to get a SSD drive and put it in a USB box, a 256 Gb SSD is about 200 US dollars and add to that 20 buks for a box with usb 2.0 to house the SSD.

As durable as flash storage, should easy take 20 full revolutions when you roll your UTE in the outback ;)

Maybe jookin will even bundle a SSD box to get ppl on the right large storage track.

looking at some options with the dual cam models, there has been a change in the associated technologies so we might be looking at doing dual remote cam rather than same cam at the front and remote cam for the rear as intended, if going this way then it might work better for a hard drive supported solution, still looking at our options at this stage anyway, nothing firm yet
Yeah if you go with dual remote cams ( witch i encourage ) it would be sweet if there was room inside the recorder for a SSD
The USB 2.0 -> sata bord that is in the little external harddisk enclosures should be possibel to find and incorporate into the system.
To my knowlege is is possibel to power a external HDD these days via the USB connection, but then Again if a 12 V supply is needed i am sure it will be no problem finding that inside the comming models.

May be a good idea to make the HDD detachable like in a hot swap bay or like in the HDD dock i use for my Loose harddrives,that way it is quick and easy to get the drive out and transfer data at home
No worries :)
I just pile on some more ideas you can juggle with.
Any news on the 7s?
and is the 75S available now as it's listed on your site :)
Almost 8 month ago since the first posting here in this thread..., any news from 7s? I wait patiently almost for a year now for the release of the 2S, 75S or 7S..., will it ever come out or is it just another Duke Nukem Forever? Other manufacturers release two or three new generations of their cams in the meantime..., technical progress won't stop until you are ready with your cams. Nobody will buy it anymore, if it is ready one day but technically obsolete...