GuardTrak GT7S

trade shows finished yet? if not when do they finish?
the one I was doing is finished, there are still others on that I do normally go to but too tired at the moment so will be taking it easy over the weekend
Just a thought that's come to mind - Are you able to include black adhesive tape instead of grey adhesive tape? Grey sticks out like a sore thumb on my windscreen especially in the sun. I'll post pics tomorrow.
Back in Black headbanger smily :D
do we have any further news on this GT75S or anything in the guardtrak range as yet? hanging out for this camera still.
Nothing worth mentioning yet, still working on hardware related stuff still, we have some other versions we're working on at the same time also but they will be under our Street Guardian brand, same tooling but spec will be a bit different on those
anything worth mentioning yet?
Any plans for 2015? Or the same procedure as in 2014, all models are unready and nothing more than technical previews?
I am hoping the old form factor get ditched in favor of remote cameras and hidden headunit, allhough the old form factor will stilll be good for a single cam solution.

Time will tell, and i am all good with Guardtrack products beeing put on the back burner while other interesting things go on.
We will be using this same housing for some Street Guardian models also, they will most likely be done first

Some other remote camera product is in the roadmap also
Yeah it seem so, technology proberly wont be where i would like it to be, but form factors seem to be coming along nicely.
And the technology will proberly come along in a cuple of years, so untill then i will just remind myself that what i wish for i hardly never get.
I'll get a street guardian in the meantime while waiting for guard track I think. My understanding is that guard track cameras are higher quality while street guardian cams are more than enough for the average user?

Looking forward to both lineups :)