Hot Pixels - Related to F/W Version?


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2014
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United States
Dash Cam
More than my wife thinks I need.
Just updated the F/W from 20160125.v2 to 20160323.v2 and noticed a number of hot pixels that were not present with the older F/W just a couple of days earlier. This piqued my curiosity and now I'm wondering if this could be F/W related or part of the aging process of the sensor - or both?
The calibration data was saved properly into the new read only spot only in newer firmwares. You'll need to re-run the pixel calibration routine. I'll private message you the special instructions now.

Edit: as Rick said, calibration data will no longer be over written once you're on the newer firmware releases.
you can redo the calibration, I don't remember which version that was changed in but it might be that the earlier version you had been running had the calibration settings stored in a non reserved area of memory, the later versions are fine so if you recalibrate now and only move forward with firmware versions it shouldn't overwrite your settings at all
That guys, that satisfies my curiosity. :)

There's only a couple hot ones so it's not really a big deal but will still do the calibration if for no other reason than to see how that works. :D

I'll run that for a few days to establish a performance baseline then move on to the current beta F/W.

A secondary question - any idea when the V1 F/W (to catch up with the V2) will be released.
That guys, that satisfies my curiosity. :)

There's only a couple hot ones so it's not really a big deal but will still do the calibration if for no other reason than to see how that works. :D

I'll run that for a few days to establish a performance baseline then move on to the current beta F/W.

A secondary question - any idea when the V1 F/W (to catch up with the V2) will be released.

we just have a couple of things I want to finish off in the V2 firmware and once it's ready for the next release we'll roll the changes back into the V1 version, don't think we'll get that done before the holidays (Oct 1st to 7th) so will probably be around mid October assuming we get everything done and tested in the V2 version by then