How can I see all Alerts I ever received since joining DCT?

Ukraine Visitor

Active Member
Mar 5, 2016
Reaction score
United States
Not sure which forum to post this at..this one seemed the most akin..

In any event, when I click on Alerts > Show All... It's showing only alerts for the last 5 days. Is there a way to see all alerts I ever received since signing up (about 1 months ago)? Thanks.
don't think you can see that many, just looked at mine and there's 4 pages of alerts which only goes back to Monday
I am thinking that (since I now can't live without this site - LOL) if I went on vacation for 7 days perhaps I won't see any alerts when I return if Alerts only stick around for 3 to 5 days...Argggg..too late...perhaps should had posted where the Admin could see it...whatever......:mad:
I am thinking that (since I now can't live without this site - LOL) if I went on vacation for 7 days perhaps I won't see any alerts when I return if Alerts only stick around for 3 to 5 days...Argggg..too late...perhaps should had posted where the Admin could see it...whatever......:mad:
Just before leaving on vacation go to 'Recent Posts' then click on 'Mark Forums Read'. When you come back all threads that have new activity will be highlighted.
I am thinking that (since I now can't live without this site - LOL) if I went on vacation for 7 days perhaps I won't see any alerts when I return if Alerts only stick around for 3 to 5 days...Argggg..too late...perhaps should had posted where the Admin could see it...whatever......:mad:

just do a view all new posts, alert or not it's all there
My eyes must be deceiving me..Where is View all Posts pls?
It's "New Posts" near the top of this page. I didn't know it was there either until a couple minutes ago. :rolleyes:
just do a view all new posts, alert or not it's all there

Thanks...but I guess I will have to play with that when it's a little safer (less activity than right now)

Because, unfortunately, for what I can see, following that approach, this plain New Posts, actually shows LESS of the my alerts stuff (b/c its full of forums that I don't follow)...That is, what I see is that the View All [Alerts] shows me back to Saturday (that's 5 days back) but this All Posts is showing me only back to Monday (3 days back). The New Profile Posts tab seems to go back 6 months (kind of the time frame I could make use of) but not sure exactly what that tab does either. @DT MI seemed to be saying that (your) "View All New Posts" was located under "New Posts", but I can't see it there either... the sage continues (or my eyes continue to fool

thanks both of you for trying,,,I guess I will just have to drag my laptop with me to my next trilling, wonderful, glamorous and full of adventures vacation (LOLx4)
Viewed alerts are stored for 4 days. Unviewed alerts stay for 30. So as long as your vacation is less than a month, you should be ok.