How good are these dashcams?

Jul 7, 2014
Reaction score
United Kingdom
i have noticed a lot of dasahcams that are sold in some major shops in england are not on reviews here.
well i havent seen them anyway.

so how good are these cameras:

Nextbase Dash cam 512g Professional
RAC 02 Dashboard Camera
MIO MiVue 638D
Garmin Dash Cam 20
Garmin Dash Cam 30
Transcend DrivePro 220
Road Angel Halo

How does the video quality stack up to cameras such as the mobius?
A bump, if any expert would like to comment.
Well I have found out that the Nextbase dash cam 512 professional is the same as DOD LS46W but with a filter.

Not sure how good the others are.
In terms of video quality I'd say the 512G is probably the best, closely followed by the Transcend and Mio.
My choice would be the Transcend or Mio* because although the Nextbase 512G probably has the best video but I have doubts about the reliability.

* Note the complaints about Mio's speed camera updates not happening as promised.

But in future I mostly plan to buy cams that use capacitors because the rechargeable batteries of most dash cams degrade very quickly when exposed to the summer temperatures inside a car - my ex-Nextbase 402G didn't survive its first summer.
The Nextbase/DOD use a smaller and/or lower quality battery compared to Mio and Transcend and maybe that's why the Nextbase only has a one-year warranty but the Mio and Transcend have two-year warranty.
The smaller and lower-quality the battery, the less summer heat and charge/recharge cycles it will tolerate before being unable to provide power for the cam to save that all-important last file.

@russ331 has suggested the Blacksys CF-100 as a very reasonably priced capacitor cam of good quality which is now apparently being sold off at highly discounted prices to make way for a new model.
edit: Amazon UK now saying: item unavailable.

You can also buy a capacitor conversion kit for the Mobius.
Transcend DP200 is also a decent capacitor-cam, although not quite a match for the Nextbase 402G or 512G. However, DP200's tiny capacitor can only retain settings for four or five days according to its manual.
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