How important is a screen?


New Member
Feb 18, 2015
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United States
I'm strongly considering the Mobius (and swapping the battery for a capacitor), and I know there's an Android app to help with configuration and maybe even view video. I'm curious: once I mount the cam and confirm that it's covering the view I want, is there really any reason why I'd need, or really wish I had, an LCD screen?
I have 2 Mobius cams in my car. My girlfriend has a GT550 in hers. When I drive her car the GT550 screen irritates me. It's set to switch off after 3 minutes, which is the minimum available, but that 3 minutes feels like an eternity to me.

Having experience of cameras with & without screens, I don't personally think a screen is necessary. The cost of the screen is better spent on improved lens quality.

Having said that, if a great new camera is launched that meets all my criteria, I'll buy it whether or not it has a screen. If it does, I just hope the settings menu allows me to turn the sodding thing off within a few seconds of startup.
having a screen is obviously useful....

and they seem to be cheaper if you compare the Mobius with the g1wh both with the same chips in ... a good $25 cheaper !
Mobius is built up to a standard, not down to a price. Inexpensive, not merely cheap. As little as $69 buys...

A tiny, discreet, stealthy, reliable, durable camera with many mounting options...

Excellent video quality...

A network of Mobius-approved sellers to guarantee that you get the genuine product...

A detailed User Manual (PDF)...

Windows GUI...

Mac GUI...

Android Apps...

A choice of 3 interchangeable lenses (A, B & C), each one being 7 element glass, made in Japan.

Each lens offers 3 user-adjustable Horizontal Angles of View...

Lens A. 46° / 75° / 85°

Lens B. 63° / 102° / 116°

Lens C. ?? / ??? / 131°

Designed to be easily owner-repairable. All parts available. Not the usual disposable consumer product.

Battery can be replaced in 5 minutes, using one screwdriver.

Battery can be replaced by a Capacitor ($6 at Banggood)

Exceptionally good support by the manufacturer through regular firmware updates, which have enriched the Mobius feature set.

The most highly developed Firmware of any camera using similar CPU & CMOS. Firmware quality is critical to camera performance.

Excellent Forum support here & at RCGroups by experts involved in Mobius development ... @Isoprop, Tom Frank & therau2000.

Versatile as a DashCam & ActionCam. Possible uses... bicycle cam, motorcycle cam, scuba cam, pet cam, web cam, rc model cam, hat cam, helmet cam, home security cam, etc...

As a respected DashCam manufacturer ( @jokiin of Street Guardian) said... "Mobius though is not your average Chinese product and they do actually do things correctly".
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Mobius is built up to a standard, not down to a price. Inexpensive, not merely cheap. As little as $69 buys...

if it were a bricks and mortar retail product it would easily sell for $199, their mostly direct business model obviously saves a lot of cost and allows them to sell it at a very cheap price, I do think they sell themselves short really, it doesn't need to be anywhere near as cheap as it is, you see people often say G1W and similar are great value cameras but the reality is products like that may deliver reasonable performance just based on hardware capability but have rubbish build quality, patchy or non existent support and many of them just don't last, nothings a bargain when it dies early
i dont need a screen on my dashcams
I would assume it would be hard to aim the camera without a screen? It would be trial and error where as a screen would make it easier. Also with a screen it would make the dashcam more bulky than one without. I am seriously considering the mobius.
Lately i have been adjusting a lot on my Lukas, the 0806 i am testing is mounted so close to the Lukas so if i am not carefull when taking the 0806 of the mount i will bump the lukas.
But its no problem at all, right now the lukas is a little skewed so i know when i get down to my car i will have to twist the lukas a little to the right.
The lukas still capture all i need due to its wide angle lens, but it is a fjew degrees of perfect alignment right now. ( and offcourse it have to be perfect )
This vodeo clearly indicate i have been bumping the lukas and did a poor job at compensating from that, but still it will do just fing untill i ajust the camera again on my next drive.

I have kinda the same with my rear mobius camera, when i close the hatch it can slide a fjew degrees out of alignment, but again that dosent matter as the lens glass is 2 mm from hitting the rear window.
Aiming was my biggest concern when I decided to buy a Mobius. I read the whole Mobius thread here and in R.C. group, MSetup, downloaded and print operation manual, while waiting for it to arrive from China. Once I have the unit on hand it's a piece of cake. Configure it on MSetup, mount it in whatever way you choose. make sure it's pointing straight and horizontal ( not necessary but clips look better when horizontal is horizontal) aim it slightly down, connect it and go. After a couple of days recording, download files to PC to view. If aiming is out, adjust, if picture is not to your liking, correct it in MSetup. Right now I'm running exposure +30 to compensate winter's low lighting . Everything else normal. Any problem, post here. Isoprop, Jokiin, Niko, russ331, GJHS (sorry if I leave out some) and other experts will help. My friends and family in my native country and here have bought Mobius on my recommendation. Being eldest in family helps.
Personally I need a screen.

I remove the card daily twice to copy contents (documenting travel, not caring about crash-evidence). This probably moves the cams, it's not easy to handle so close to the windscreen.
The horizon must stay horizontal, and not too low or I miss the landscape and also get the hood in the picture, and not too high because of that shining star over there.

I am also daltonian, so communicating with colored LEDs for settings is a no-no.

As you see, your mileage WILL vary...:D
Personally I need a screen.

I remove the card daily twice to copy contents (documenting travel, not caring about crash-evidence). This probably moves the cams, it's not easy to handle so close to the windscreen.
The horizon must stay horizontal, and not too low or I miss the landscape and also get the hood in the picture, and not too high because of that shining star over there.

I am also daltonian, so communicating with colored LEDs for settings is a no-no.

As you see, your mileage WILL vary...:D

Please tell us you're also a crash test dummy!
Personally I need a screen.
I used to need a screen, but now between the C3 and C4 that have no screen and my Mini0806 that sits completely behind my mirror I have not really used a screen in awhile. My C4 might be slightly off at times, but its small size makes up for it.

As much as I would love to post a Ron Popeil joke i'll refrain.
One theme that seems to recur on dash cam feedback is failure. Having the screen is a quick check to see if it's working at the time you check the screen. A real drag to have a crash, not your fault, only to find the dash cam failed two weeks ago.
No screen but Wi-fi, smallest as possible.
But as sales, people prefer cameras with display even it will be used very rare after making the settings and placing the camera behind the mirror.

Playback on your smartphone is much better and easy to do compared to playing a video o camera screen.

OOOOOH! GREAT IDEA! I already use my smart phone instead of an in-car GPS. Mine DOES have Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Can check several times each trip.

The Spy-Tec G1W-C is starting to look REALLY good. If I can only avoid getting a knock-off when I buy. Imagine! A Chinese knock-off of a Chinese product.
OOOOOH! GREAT IDEA! I already use my smart phone instead of an in-car GPS. Mine DOES have Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Can check several times each trip.

The Spy-Tec G1W-C is starting to look REALLY good. If I can only avoid getting a knock-off when I buy. Imagine! A Chinese knock-off of a Chinese product.

Buy direct from them (versus via some other site) and you should be OK -