How large is the input electric current of Mini 0805 ?


New Member
Nov 7, 2015
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United States
Can I use the usb port of my car to charge for it ?
Last year I was provided with 4 late model rental vehicles while my vehicle was in the shop for a lengthy recall repair. All 4 vehicles had .5 amp USB power ports which of course wasn't adequate for any of my cameras. To make matters worse, most of the built in USB ports in the cars had a data connection so that a connected iPod or smart phone could work with the head unit, so when a dash cam was plugged into any of these ports it would just go into mass storage mode anyway.
Thank you all very much:)
Can I use the usb port of my car to charge for it ?
Depends on your cars usb output. Some are good spme are poor. I use a tripe usb socket cigarette charger (plenty on amazon). Pretty compact and outputs 2.1amp per port. Powers both my dash cam and chargers my mobile without issues