How robust are the connectors?


New Member
Aug 30, 2018
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United Kingdom
Hello all, first post from UK user.

I’m looking for my first dashcam and the DR750S 2CH is top of my list so far, but not sure how suitable it will be for my intended use.
  • I’ve got 2 cars and want to swap the system between each, there would be a hard wired (PMP) install in each car.
  • I’d probably want to remove the cameras when parked outside house in the evening, to remove the potential for theft, I have CCTV coverage for overall security.
So I’d like to know how robust the connections are for power and the Front/Rear video feed, as these would probably be connected-disconnected on a daily basis. I have seen a comment on a retail site that the video link cable for rear camera is a bit weak.

Also is it easy enough to align the cameras in the brackets or do you need to check on the app video feed when you refit them. I was planning on setting up once and putting witness marks on the cameras and mounts for ease.

I can't answer your question but I would have thought that you'd need permanent mounts for each car (they don't come off the windscreens easily!) so by the time you've bought two lots of mounts, cables and PMPs it wouldn't be much more to buy two kits. I'd certainly get fed up with removing cameras on a daily basis but perhaps you're more tolerant than me ;-)
You can buy extra mounts to leave in each vehicle. With these mounts, the only alignment you need to worry about is elevation. This can be easily done with witness marks as you mentioned.

As far as the plugs, they differ with each unit. For my 650, they are very tight to plug or unplug and I don't feel confident doing this regularly. The 590, they are not near as tight and have a different type of connection and feel more confident with those.
I know some people who have damaged the coaxial plug on the main unit, where you plug the rear camera cable.
So I don't think it is a good idea to remove it each day, because one day if you don't insert the plug correctly, you may risk to damage the main unit.
Thanks for the reply's.

@Mick B I doubt I'm any more tolerant than you.......I may be a fair bit tighter when it come to £££s though;)

Forgot to mention that the plan was to have mounts installed in both vehicles along with the PMP

@WeedeaterDM @chris-s Your comments about the the potential for damage to the connectors is, unfortunately what I was expecting.

Guess I'll have to suck up the extra cost of 2 sets of cameras of go for a different cameras/make to keep costs down.
Look at Thinkware dashcams, connectors are probably different.
For low budget, you have also the Cowon AW1 if you don't need Cloud feature.
Yeah, while it's easy to remove them from the mount.
Moving it every night is just screaming for rear camera cable pin troubles.
It bends easier than an old TV coaxial cable does to give you an idea.

That being said, as long as your cable has some slack and you're careful, you could be okay.
The cables are about $17 USD to replace.
My mistake. The central pin which could be bend is on the cable, not on the main unit.
Yeah, specifically the end that plugs into the main unit.

The end that connects to the rear cam seems a bit more solid overall.
Anyway, personaly I would never take the risk to plug/unplug each day.
There is also a risk to damage main unit or lens during transportation.
Thanks for the extra feedback.

I think I'll stick with the DR750. The second car is for the summer and will be off the road soon, so I can see how the DR750 goes and get a second system next year.
To align your cameras have you noticed the makers name on one end of the camera. Its there for a reason when its horizontal so is the lens so turn the front down two clicks and it wll be aligned properly. Angle of windscreen is irrelevant if you do it this way
I've not got cameras yet, still in the research-planning phase ;-)

But thanks for the alignment tip.
If you don't mind a little light musical entertainment while you are driving then look at the Lucas Qvia AR790. The plus is the quick release front mount and the camera is locked at the angle you set. The rear, however, is bad news for swapping around. Also, the Qvia will not work unless the rear camera is connected, the Blackvue cameras are okay with this slight loss of attachment.
2 x DR750 or 1 x 750 and 1x 650S for the less frequently used car is probably your best option cost wise if you are really set on the 750. I have one and would say yes, a brilliant camera.
I have not yet heard of dascam theft as a thing anywhere in the world. I am in the UK as well and I leave mine in all the time, Blackvue, Thinkware and Qvia and others are quite discrete and a little bit of black tape can help things as well. Reviewing my parking mode footage supports this.
@Dashcammad thanks for the feedback.
Now I've done a bit more research I've decided that I'll be getting the DR900S-2CH and I'll see what's on offer next year for the summer fun car.
The only issue I was aware of was overheating in Park mode, but this seems to have been resolved with firmware 1.004 (time-lapse).............or am I missing something?
You are missing something. Poorer low light performance compared with the 750 is one you seem to have missed.
I'm with Hillbilly on thus one.
Dont be a fool {snip} Get the 750 2ch
The DR900 is not yet ready for prime-time with several problems still unresolved. Read the forum for it here on DCT for those details.
Many reviews found elsewhere are done by ringers or people who post them just after they see it working foir the first time. Here on DCT you get real owners and their experiences over the long term too- a much better source of info IMHO ;)

Thanks for pointing out the low light issue.
If I understand correctly then this is a hardware issue, which may be fudged with firmware, but not fully resolved due the to sensor that is used?