How robust are the connectors?

It cannot be solved with software because, as you have deduced, the basic light sensor in the 750 is a better low light jobbie.
Firstly it's 'only' 1080, so has a lower pixel density, thus each pixel picks up more light.
Secondly, it has been designed to give superior low light performance.

It also seems that the 750 does not have the same overheating problem that the 900 does and I treat the 'software fix' idea with a considerable slice of scepticism.

In fact all BlackVue cams have overheating problems to a greater or lesser extent. This is possibly because they have the 12-5V converter on board rather than as a separate ciggy lighter/hard wire type converter.

There are pics on forum somewhere demonstrating the low light superiority when directly compared with the 900 side by side both on 1080.
Looks like you guys are determined to make me get the best system and save £150 into the bargain ;)

Feedback and advice greatly appreciated.
I still fail to see what all this is to do with the robustness of the connectors.:ROFLMAO:
Ah, just re-read post #1:shy: