How to extract firmware from Ambarella 0803?

I will change my archive to the correct autoexec with ROM, I thought i'd changed it but I put the file up for a different model LOL.

Better ;)

The result is an autoexec.ash working with the lines:

rm a:\autoexec.ash
firmfl gen 6 bst bld hal pri rom dsp d:\backup.bin
rm d:\autoexec.ash

And I added the line:

romfs list > romfs.txt

and I obtained:

Usage: ls - list ROMFS files
inodes - list ROMFS inode tree
load [name] [addr] - load data to memory
save [slot] [name|all] [fpos]- save file to storage
log_init [slot] - log the statistics of ROMFS initialized flag

Not the file list

The rom version FW20140507 V.1.0 of EPRANCE I extracted. Not tested. Link below:

16,2 MB (17.000.448 bytes)
Any step by step guide to extract the firmware? It's not clear to me how to do it.

Thank you!
You can use any fimware listed there but I suggest to try 20140804
Thank you, jokiin and Tobi@as, for quick reply.

One more question... What does it mean when you talk about GPS + 2 CARDS in description?
Thank you, jokiin and Tobi@as, for quick reply.

One more question... What does it mean when you talk about GPS + 2 CARDS in description?
2 CARDS means: Firmware supports internal and external (SD card) memory.
1 CARD means external memory only

its possibile to extract from gw1h by this script
Possibly. But the script needs a modification since A2 doesn't use the HAL partition
One more question... What does it mean when you talk about GPS + 2 CARDS in description?

2 CARDS means: Firmware supports internal and external (SD card) memory.
1 CARD means external memory only
You can also use a 1 Card firmware on a 2 card device, but you will loose being able to use your internal storage.
I have a GPS 2 Card version and I run the iTracker firmware fine.
Can anyone give me step-by-step instructions for dumping firmware from the 0803? I just bought one on 10/1, and when I looked for updated firmware I discovered that mine is newer than what the repository has.

For information, my 0803 is a one card version with firmware 20140917 (I think it's 17 anyways.) Someone else suggested that I dump it and share it with you guys, so advice is definitely desired.
So I've extracted the firmware successfully. I uploaded it to Mediafire and the link is below.

This firmware is from a NOGPS, 1 CARD unit, date stamped as 20140915 v1.0. Please feel free to rehost it wherever you please.
Please wait with updating to any other version. Want to verify the firmware backup before.
So I've extracted the firmware successfully. I uploaded it to Mediafire and the link is below.

This firmware is from a NOGPS, 1 CARD unit, date stamped as 20140915 v1.0. Please feel free to rehost it wherever you please.

Crowick, do you have step-by-step instructions on how you extracted the firmware?
I just received mine and the version is 20140918 V1.0 so I may possibly have the most up-to-date one. If I can extract it I'll upload for people to use.
I try more than 20 times to do it.
Various command:
firmfl gen 6 bst bld hal pri rom dsp d:\backup.bin
firmfl gen 6 bst bld hal pri rfs dsp d:\backup.bin

Various file type (Unix CR), utf-8 (BOM)
But once it worked out and I got a backup.bin (17 485 kb) and DCIM\drives.txt DCIM\romfs.txt.
So quick (seems 15-20 sec) and my wokred autoexec.ash was deleted and i can not repeat it :( I have to repeat it to make sure that the first dump was correct.

I found zip archive (on this forum) with autoexec.ash and run it. Incredible - it work! I not found difference with my file!
I change it (for dumping 5 block and 6 blocks) and attach here.

My device E-PRANCE 0805 8GB+GPS+SD 20150208v1.0


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