I honked, and honked, and honked, but the stupid truck still didn't move!

dash riposki

Well-Known Member
May 13, 2015
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Nong Khai
Dash Cam
too many

Oversized load wedged between jersey barriers, and guardrail, on I-70, near Washington, PA.
The two lanes are temporarily split due to some road construction.

I think the tractor trailer stuck in the dirt between the two split lanes was trying to cross over to the unblocked lane.
I guess they will have to stop all traffic, and move some of the Jersey barriers. (which should be somewhat temporary)

When you pull loads like this, you are on 'Trip Permits', which specify which road to take, speed, times you are allowed to travel, and more stuff. They're issued by each state you have to travel through, and even have to have some for some counties or cities. If you violate any of the conditions of the permit, it voids the permit. Cops can make you get off the road and wait for new permits, which can take hours or days, and you can also get ticketed and fined.

I kind of doubt the OD load driver screwed up this time, it was probably a screw up by the permit office or the construction company. (If he was on the correct road and in the correct lane, specified by the permit)
This truck had at least one escort, who should have checked the permits and routing, also. (Car running with him with yellow lights, etc)
That had to be embarrassing for the first (stuck) trucker and frustrating for the second.
The first truck may end up with a ticket for trying to jump lanes, as well as a tow truck bill.
I'm not sure if the cops told him to try to go across there, or not? They were trying to get some of the traffic turned around behind the stuck truck.

Nothing really embarrassing ever happens if there are no witnesses.


The oversize load truck may actually not be stuck, but realized he wasn't going to make it, and stopped. (Making people behind him very happy) :)
Why didn't the first big rig blocking the small cars, backup to let them out? I think I do see a little damage to the black tank or whatever he was carrying. There is a small puff of white near the barrier part.
They were shuttling traffic off onto an exit ramp maybe 1/2 mile before where the truck was stuck. It takes time. There was also normal traffic to deal with.
I couldn't see much, most of the time I was stuck in the backup was before the choke point.
The school bus you can (maybe)see in the video a little is a new bus that was being delivered. It had a car hooked to it by a tow bar, so it couldn't really back up too well.
(that probably took some time, getting it out of the way)
It looks like they detached the car, moved it out of the way, and turned the buss around, and parked it off to the side in the construction area. My guess is the delivery guy would hook up, then head the wrong way to the off ramp.
They probably alternated backing cars out of the stoppage area, and moving the normal oncoming traffic onto the off ramp.
Before you get to where the truck was stuck, there were plenty of signs 'through traffic use left lane'. (which is why I was in the left lane)
I went back by there, 24 hours later, and the stuck truck was gone. :)
I googled local news to see if there was any report of the accident, just to get some idea what time it happened. (How long the truck had been stuck when I passed it)
Never found anything.
I'm curious how they got the truck out? What they moved?