I wish they would start enforcing lane usage laws

dash riposki

Well-Known Member
May 13, 2015
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Nong Khai
Dash Cam
too many

I see this so often. NO traffic, but the car insists on using the left lane. I even see them get on the interstate from an on ramp, cross several empty lanes, to get to the far left lane. Sometimes you see several cars 'fighting for positon' in the left lane, while the other lanes are empty. It's like they're playing 'leap frog'.
They have just introduced a law in the UK to fine drivers who hog the middle and outer lanes (remember we drive on the wrong side of the road) and I believe the 1st middle lane hogger was recently fined for doing so.

These lazy drivers are a right pain in the ass and clog up the middle lane of our 3 lane motorways which stop lorries from overtaking (who are forbidden from entering the outside fast lane), so this change in the law has been welcomed by many.

These drivers also hog the fast lane of motorways for no good reason, so fining them £100 may well wake them up.

A brilliant dash cam video was posted on YouTube a couple of years ago of an incident recorded on the motorway by a lorry driver in the inside lane, a lane hogger in the outside lane and a police traffic car. I've never heard anyone swear so much, which in this particular instance just added to the amusement factor :)

Absolute classic dash cam footage and well worth watching...

OP: I have had people do that to me, where i try to leave a nice buffer in front of a big rig, but some moron will come up behind and pass me on the right. of course, if you saw the minivan+uhaul get on and just camp out in the left lane, that's a different story.

British one: hope he got written up for lane hogging, brake checking, and even turning his lights OFF for a moment (just before the cop lit him up). plus whatever else the cop could find, like a burnt out light bulb or expired license or whatever. :p
A brilliant dash cam video was posted on YouTube a couple of years ago of an incident recorded on the motorway by a lorry driver in the inside lane, a lane hogger in the outside lane and a police traffic car. I've never heard anyone swear so much, which in this particular instance just added to the amusement factor :)

Absolute classic dash cam footage and well worth watching...

Nothing like a happy trucker... :D
I once had to retake the driving test, as a reason of me bumping quite a fjew skateboarders and rollerblades.

Offcourse me having silluettes on the side of my door like airplanes in WW2 had crosses for each downed enemy airplane dident help :p
So some one said i had a attitude problem, and i was like ?????? what ! its not me breaking the damm law, and these guys just zip in and out of traffic and i cant allways avoid them, and you A-holes ( police ) know this is the damm truth, so go do somthing about it.

A brilliant dash cam video was posted on YouTube a couple of years ago of an incident recorded on the motorway by a lorry driver in the inside lane, a lane hogger in the outside lane and a police traffic car. I've never heard anyone swear so much, which in this particular instance just added to the amusement factor :)

Absolute classic dash cam footage and well worth watching...

Nothing like some good ole' Yorkshire swearing :D Brilliant footage :cool:
I once had to retake the driving test, as a reason of me bumping quite a fjew skateboarders and rollerblades.

I actually ran over a kid in the 80's. Smashed the little bugger flat.
I couldn't help it. I was on a rural road in the south, it ran out from behind some bushes in front of a farm house.

(It was a baby goat)


I did enjoy calling the accident into the company safety officer, also.

'I just ran over a KID. I think it's dead. Couldn't avoid it.'

After I let him melt down for 30 seconds, then I told him it was a goat.

(He started laughing like hell....'these dumbXXX's have been calling all week, running over EVERYTHING you could imagine, but this is the first goat!!!!')
Only left a scuff on my bumper, but I was nervous since two 'Deliverance' type farmers drove up in a pickup, sat there silently, and wrote down my license number as I looked over the truck for damage on the side of the road..
These "Left Lane Bandits" in the U.S. drive me insane, clogging up the outer/fast lanes barely going 65-70 in 65 zones, when the "normal flow of traffic is 75-80 (nobody goes the speed limit, nobody!). So what you end up having are miles long backups behind one idiot who can't get their car out of the "fast" lane despite not passing anybody, and then people get frustrated and pass in the middle and inner slower lanes. Then you have a dangerous mix of people going 75-80+ mixed in with slower traffic in those lanes doing a legitimate 65 mph. It's not a safe situation at all to have huge speed differences.

Most states in the U.S. do have "move over" type laws, but I've never seen nor heard of them enforced. They don't care. I-95 in particular (biggest interstate along the east coast of the U.S.) is terrible for this. It's just a mad house the whole time. And inevitably somebody misjudges something somewhere and there's a wreck, and then the whole interstate closes!!! If people would just move da F outta the fast lanes, traffic in general would flow much more smoothly, and you'd probably cut down on a significant number of these wreck!

Anything longer than a few hours, and we just hop on a plane, or travel at completely off hours to avoid issues. So sick and tired of 4-5 hour trips turning into 8+ hours because people are stupid.
These "Left Lane Bandits" in the U.S. drive me insane, clogging up the outer/fast lanes barely going 65-70 in 65 zones, when the "normal flow of traffic is 75-80 (nobody goes the speed limit, nobody!). So what you end up having are miles long backups behind one idiot who can't get their car out of the "fast" lane despite not passing anybody, and then people get frustrated and pass in the middle and inner slower lanes. Then you have a dangerous mix of people going 75-80+ mixed in with slower traffic in those lanes doing a legitimate 65 mph. It's not a safe situation at all to have huge speed differences.

Most states in the U.S. do have "move over" type laws, but I've never seen nor heard of them enforced. They don't care. I-95 in particular (biggest interstate along the east coast of the U.S.) is terrible for this. It's just a mad house the whole time. And inevitably somebody misjudges something somewhere and there's a wreck, and then the whole interstate closes!!! If people would just move da F outta the fast lanes, traffic in general would flow much more smoothly, and you'd probably cut down on a significant number of these wreck!

Anything longer than a few hours, and we just hop on a plane, or travel at completely off hours to avoid issues. So sick and tired of 4-5 hour trips turning into 8+ hours because people are stupid.
These "Left Lane Bandits" in the U.S. drive me insane, clogging up the outer/fast lanes barely going 65-70 in 65 zones, when the "normal flow of traffic is 75-80 (nobody goes the speed limit, nobody!). So what you end up having are miles long backups behind one idiot who can't get their car out of the "fast" lane despite not passing anybody, and then people get frustrated and pass in the middle and inner slower lanes. Then you have a dangerous mix of people going 75-80+ mixed in with slower traffic in those lanes doing a legitimate 65 mph. It's not a safe situation at all to have huge speed differences.

Most states in the U.S. do have "move over" type laws, but I've never seen nor heard of them enforced. They don't care. I-95 in particular (biggest interstate along the east coast of the U.S.) is terrible for this. It's just a mad house the whole time. And inevitably somebody misjudges something somewhere and there's a wreck, and then the whole interstate closes!!! If people would just move da F outta the fast lanes, traffic in general would flow much more smoothly, and you'd probably cut down on a significant number of these wreck!

Anything longer than a few hours, and we just hop on a plane, or travel at completely off hours to avoid issues. So sick and tired of 4-5 hour trips turning into 8+ hours because people are stupid.

He's probably gotten used to driving along the road at 55mph when 55 was the draconian speed limit imposed by government back in the 1970s/80s across the whole of the USA. Now why these drivers don't move out of the way is probably because they are too damn lazy to do so. A fine for lane hogging might make them a little more attentive and make the roads a little bit safer to drive on.
I dunno. Mix of that and passive aggressive "super obey the law types" who think the speed limit is the fastest anybody should ever be going, and nobody has any business going faster than that, so they park themselves in the fast lane right at the limit on purpose. I see a mile backup in the left lane, so switch to the center or right lanes only to realize there's practically NOBODY in them, and then you have a complete inversion of how the lanes are actually supposed to work, with the slow idiots all clogged up in the outer/fast lane, and the middle right lanes now used for passing!!! I avoid I-95 on the east coast U.S. here like the plague. Far less traffic on some of the local highways, and far fewer cops also!
Under normal circumstances they don't [have any business speeding].

My take on it is that it's not safe to go 20mph slower than the majority of traffic. It's just as dangerous as person going 20 more than the majority. I know that won't hold up in court, but I can't exactly avoid freeways if I need to go anywhere more than a few miles away in Houston unless I want the trip to take 3 times as long.
My take on it is that it's not safe to go 20mph slower than the majority of traffic. It's just as dangerous as person going 20 more than the majority. I know that won't hold up in court, but I can't exactly avoid freeways if I need to go anywhere more than a few miles away in Houston unless I want the trip to take 3 times as long.
Totally agree