If I hard wire the Mobius will it drain the power?

Nice find! Good guide. It's basically what I WILL DO to the other car that had no warranty whatsoever once I get another cam (switching between cars is a pain even though I just use the front and leave the rear cam in place.) I cant imagine hard wiring into the overhead light and getting away with that on the new car, but its whats planned for the old one. Cant wait to see the wifes face as I leave all the wires dangling and tell her "I forgot where it all goes". :)

Is there anyway the file can be uploaded to this forum and pinned as a basic guide? May help a few

I can ask the author (if required) as I'm a member of the forum and know him well
Why dont you post the link in the pinned mobius help thread with a note saying "Basic dash cam hard wiring guide" or some such? That way it will be available to those that search.
Why dont you post the link in the pinned mobius help thread with a note saying "Basic dash cam hard wiring guide" or some such? That way it will be available to those that search.

I did think that but 99% of folk don't search :)

I take it you didn't have to sign up to view file?
Cant wait to see the wifes face as I leave all the wires dangling and tell her "I forgot where it all goes". :)
Neither can we, don't forget to post that video. Don't worry she won't see the Mobius in your hand, it's discreet.
that power magic or a low cut off would be best. looks to be the route I will go.

I am using a external battery right now @Grimm but in the summer that will not be viable as the car will get too hot while parked for the battery pack.
that power magic or a low cut off would be best. looks to be the route I will go.

I am using a external battery right now @Grimm but in the summer that will not be viable as the car will get too hot while parked for the battery pack.

You know, its been so cold this winter I havent even thought about the external battery pack heating up in the summer. I have thought about the mobius' getting hot so I ordered 2 super caps. Hmmm. I think I'll just have to see what happens to the external in the heat. If it dies maybe that will convince the wife to allow me to hard wire...
You know, its been so cold this winter I havent even thought about the external battery pack heating up in the summer. I have thought about the mobius' getting hot so I ordered 2 super caps. Hmmm. I think I'll just have to see what happens to the external in the heat. If it dies maybe that will convince the wife to allow me to hard wire...
I'd think fire is more of a concern than the battery pack dieing :p
"See! I told you that dash cam thinner majiggy was a bad idea!!" - the wife
I'm thinking it may be a WEE bit worse than that and may last longer than a day
Here is what you do to put a stop to 'er in-doors' going off on one:
Search through your 'come in useful one day box' and grab a handful of multicoloured wires then push both ends under the cars trim where it can easily be seen leaving a 'loop' of the wires sticking out - then walk away and await the 'call' when the 'abuse' starts just get a hold of the wires and pull them out saying something like 'what the hell' then vacate the scene in a bit of a fever just in case your good lady wife starts with the physical stuff - hey presto a winner and when you come out of hospital or away from the divorce courts you can .......either say "s**t that was a rather silly thing to have done" or "free at last" ....
It's not always my fault when these threads go off the rails and follow butterfly's into tar pits.
Man rule book.
#1. It's easer to apologize for things done
Than it is to ask permition for things you want to do. :)
Man rule book.
#1. It's easer to apologize for things done
Than it is to ask permition for things you want to do. :)

Not in my house.

I just keep nagging till she gets fed up and caves in. Basically, I do to her what she does to me ;)
Theres a step by step guide a guy has posted on the ford forums here in UK


Not sure if you have to sign up to view, gives an idea what you need to do though
So it looks like that person wired their mobius directly to the cars 12v system. I do not see where they have stepped the voltage down to 5v (usb cig lighter adapter normally does this) I don't think the mobius will last long wired this way.
So it looks like that person wired their mobius directly to the cars 12v system. I do not see where they have stepped the voltage down to 5v (usb cig lighter adapter normally does this) I don't think the mobius will last long wired this way.
Ok so after looking at this again it looks like the cable he used has the 5v step down integrated into the cable near the usb side. So this setup should work fine.
Well I may be hard wiring after all (on the sly). I remember seeing an install of the LUKAS LK-290 2 cigarette lighter version onthis forum somewhere and would like to take a look at it. Searching I couldnt find it, anyone have a clue? I remember the red button so I am pretty sure it was a Lukas, maybe not the 2 cig version...Fecking late night forum diving always leads to bad memory...