If I want a Capacitor based cam...


New Member
Jun 22, 2014
Reaction score
Newcastle, NSW
Dash Cam
Viofo A119
How do I know which ones are not running on Lithium batteries.

Whats an easy way to find out?

Is there a definitive list somewhere?
You can tell by the model name/number and the description.
What interests you so far? Got a price range? After you choose the basic shape etc anyone here can help you narrow down your choices.
The only one I have seen advertised is the G1W-C but I hear its not that good. I'm not prepared to commit to a price until I've read and seen some comparisons, but would prefer a discreet model which can live in the same kind of space or less, than my old Mivue. I was hoping to see a list because so far in reading brief descriptions on various sites... seems like there arent that many. Guardtrak is one, is it not? (Jokiin?) But it seems HUGE by comparison with the average dashcam.
The Guardtrak line got delayed
The Street Guardian SG9665GC will be quite excellent. (also a Jokiin product) It's nearly ready too.
Its been nearly ready for a while, hasn't it? I was hoping to order something this week. Maybe I will just have to get another battery one and wait patiently, the Street Guardian looks just like what I would need/want.
Its been nearly ready for a while, hasn't it? I was hoping to order something this week. Maybe I will just have to get another battery one and wait patiently, the Street Guardian looks just like what I would need/want.

we're due to ship them out in around a fortnight
Guardtrak is one, is it not? (Jokiin?) But it seems HUGE by comparison with the average dashcam.
The SG9665GC isn't very large because of its glass hugging design. The next smallest is the A118 capacitor model which has a similar design, yet the specs on the Street Guardian are higher. If you want discreet and don't care about a screen, check out the Mobius.