INNOVV K1- Moto Recording System


New Member
Aug 20, 2017
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United States
I purchased this back in November of 2016. I tore my bike apart to have a professional looking install and minimize the appearance of the cameras. After having near misses while riding I felt this was a perfect solution to help protect me while riding……

It’s now Aug, 2017 and the camera still fails to work. I have been in constant contact with INNOVV since the very beginning over issues.

- Ordered, on my own dime, their power hub assuming that would help. Nope $69.00

- Ordered Ferrite Rings. Nope $10.00

- Ordered Harley accessory kit. Nope $120+

- Many different brands of SD cards

- Countless hours of troubleshooting

I have multiple videos made and posted to my YouTube to show INNOVV the issues. Forty (40) Emails trying to resolve this. Have had phone calls with “techs” who speak very rough English to try and solve the problem. I HAVE DONE EVERYTHING THEY HAVE ASKED.

All I want is a WORKING DVR or a refund and they will not do this.

I highly suggest finding a different company to deal with as INNOVV will NOT stand by their products.
I just ran into your post because I was looking to maybe installing this on a service van outside for the back. To me this looks like an electrical noise issue.
howdy. Not sure if you still have it hooked up (kind of hope you fixed it or replaced it by now) but I thought I might offer a potential solution.

This could be explained by the alternator making the power supply line (or the ignition signal line) what an EE would call 'dirty', which is to say the DC voltage wouldn't be a flat line and would instead have a very wavy/noisy line. This could be perceived by the camera as turning the ignition off and on very rapidly. If you're willing to debug (and Innovv really should have been the ones to deal with this before selling the product) then you can 'clean' (or 'filter') the signal with a very simple circuit, or even an off the shelf product if you wire it in yourself. Judging by your video, I'd wager you're more than up to the task.

in depth:
K1 was actually produced at a previous shared factory that is now out of business. (with shared technology from other products)

The new 2018 INNOVV products are made at an all new high end Factory. New components used are very reliable. (INNOVV is really on the move now with quality designed from scratch products)
The pending K2 dual channel is in active development, should have more details to share Q2/Q3 or so.
I payed good money for the Innovv for K1 which is still a trading company and although my K1 no longer works it's quite obvious that the K1 wasn't tested properly and wasn't exactly cheap either. Actually it does work sometimes, battery now useless and no replacement available though Helen sent me a link for new replacement batteries off Amazon which I ordered for £20 and they were the wrong size! Useless!

Tried many times to get mine sorted and Innovv are just not interested, shame as it's a very good idea. If I went down the rd of the K2 that means I've forked out around £450 in total for both systems, once bitten twice as shy.