Insert front card


New Member
Jun 29, 2015
Reaction score
Ogden, UT
United States
Dash Cam
Blacksys CF-100
I don't know if this could be part of my issue, but it has recently gotten up to 100F here. Before this, I would swap and format the cards weekly (about the time frame for receiving this message), and all would be fine, However, now I get the insert front card message, and I cant make it go away. I can usually swap cards, but it doesn't do anything this time. The camera seems like it is always very hot to the touch, even though it is sitting in a a cooled garage. Its running firmware 01.02.03 with a date of 2015-02-08 along with two SanDisk Ultra 64GB cards and the GPS attachment. The camera is set to 12.1V for parking mode, with sensitivity at normal. It's unplugged at work, since I park near a busy road.

Any ideas how I can fix the message? Looks like I have a frimware update, but without access to the front card,I feel helpless. Without the front camera, its pretty pointless to even have it in the car.
Few things:

That is a known problem, you'll be better on firmware 1.02.05
You shouldn't go below 12.4 for power control
You shouldn't use Sandisk cards in any dashcam products. Lexar 633x (MLC rated) cards are the most stable in the Panorama X2

I'll send a PM
I don't know if this could be part of my issue, but it has recently gotten up to 100F here. Before this, I would swap and format the cards weekly (about the time frame for receiving this message), and all would be fine, However, now I get the insert front card message, and I cant make it go away. I can usually swap cards, but it doesn't do anything this time. The camera seems like it is always very hot to the touch, even though it is sitting in a a cooled garage. Its running firmware 01.02.03 with a date of 2015-02-08 along with two SanDisk Ultra 64GB cards and the GPS attachment. The camera is set to 12.1V for parking mode, with sensitivity at normal. It's unplugged at work, since I park near a busy road.

Any ideas how I can fix the message? Looks like I have a frimware update, but without access to the front card,I feel helpless. Without the front camera, its pretty pointless to even have it in the car.
When you see next time insert card message, just go to menu and format both cards without removing them. X2 unit still recognizes memory cards despite "insert card" message.
Thats usually what I do, but this time it isn't seeing the card to let me format it.

Pier28 sent a PM for help, looks like I need some different cards to help with compatibility.
sandisk cards are just fine in the pano x2. i highly respect and admire Pier28 and his company, however i cant sit idly by while someone spreads FUD over sandisk cards.

I use two 64gb and two 128gb sandisk cards in the x2 since its launch and have never lost a video, never had an issue with the cards. EVER.

Sandisk has more fake cards on the market than any other card and people skimp on cards so they may end up getting fakes. it happens. not saying the op has fakes.

the latest firmware should ease your pains.
I meant avoid the lower spec entry level grey/red SanDisk cards. I'm only going off what the engineers and developers tell me and what I've read on here the past two years. I believe you use a much higher spec SanDisk card plus they are 128gb
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I am running the red/gray cards, but I included that information in the original post, just in case. I also like them, that's why I used them to begin with. The picture quality always seems good on playback, even with them being almost entry level. At 64GB, they will make a couple smartphones very happy.

As for the fix, like I said above, it wouldn't format its front card, so I did a full format on the computer. I'm thinking maybe the camera wasn't formatting either of them, since the computer requested to format as soon as they were plugged in. I gave them both a full format, moved the update over, and installed them. The camera recognized both of them immediately, and took the update without any problems. I changed the camera back to English, formatted both cards, and it seems to be working fine once again.

Thanks for your help everyone. :)