Intermittent Recording


New Member
Sep 10, 2014
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Hello All

Thanks to this forum I purchased an 0803 with GPS 3 weeks ago.

Unfortunately the recording is tempermental. Sometimes it records fully on the 3 minute recycle but other times it records for maybe 12 or 52 or 75 seconds and then there is a break before the next recording cycle cuts in (so I would be missing parts of a trip).

There is no consistency in the fault i.e. the trip might start out fine and then the intermittent recordings might kick in after 30 minutes, othertimes the intermittent-ness might be at the start or end of a trip with no issues with the recordings in between.

The camera gives a beep when ever the recording cuts out and the constant blue led light comes on.

I used the paper trick to make the fitting in the mount more secure as it was a small bit loose, however that has not fixed the issue.

The card is a 16gb Samsung (not sure of the class though) that came with the unit, there is no internal memory.

My settings are as follows:

Resolution: 2304*1296 30P 16:9
Quality: Fine
AE Meter: Center
Flicker: Auto
White Balance: Auto
EV: 0
Recycle 3 Mins
Motion: Off
Auto Power: Off
Power Off: Off
G Sensor: 3G
G Sensor Calibration: No
Software: FW20140611 V1.0

Thanks in advance.
It's a never ending vicious cycle of long term instability with the 080X series it seems. I hope 1 of the multiple factories gets it right some day for everyone. Good luck troubleshooting
Card came back clean on test reverend, thanks.

I'll need to move the mount to be able to power the camera direct from the wire instead of the mount, jokiin

The mount seems to be the old one, but I did use the paper trick to tighten up the insertion and it's not wobbly anymore.

I formatted the card on my laptop now again and pasted back in the folders. Hopefully that will work tomorrow on my commute
I formatted the card on my laptop now again and pasted back in the folders. Hopefully that will work tomorrow on my commute
If you format your card on your laptop then I would leave it blank, the camera will create the folders and files that it needs, if you put stuff on then there is risk of confusion.

Is your laptop running Windows or something else?

The beep when it stops recording probably indicates a memory card or file system issue rather than a power or mount problem. Do you have another card that you can try? Samsung are normally very good, don't suppose it says class 4 on it? If it is a proper Samsung then it should say what class it is...
I have an 803 and it seemed to work for a few days, but no more. I'll check the card as suggested above. Can someone provide the link to latest stable firmware, please? TIA
Just an update that the card and camera are both working perfectly now.
  • I formatted the card in the camera
  • Then put the card into my laptop and copied and pasted the files to my desktop,
  • Formatted the card in the laptop,
  • Copied the files from desktop back on to the card
No issues anymore!
Just an update that the card and camera are both working perfectly now.
  • I formatted the card in the camera
  • Then put the card into my laptop and copied and pasted the files to my desktop,
  • Formatted the card in the laptop,
  • Copied the files from desktop back on to the card
No issues anymore!
That is the same issue that many have with 32GB cards, I had though that 16GB was OK but obviously not. So it seems that the camera can not correctly format anything above 8GB. I suspect it will format it correctly if it is already formatted correctly which should normally be the case for an unused card!

There should be no need to copy the files off and put them back, if you don't then you just end up with a few unimportant files missing like the quicktime viewer, the important ones will all be created when the camera sees an empty card.

If formatting on your laptop, make sure you always use FAT32 format.