Is this Forum Dead ?

just in general DC sub forum or what, i post all over the place daily and so do others it seem, i have not noticed any decline

Okay 63 posts today are not overwhelming, but this have never been a super active place, only a few of us hang in here daily, most come ask or find what they need, and then we dont hear from them again anytime soon.
No new posts for a while... whats going on ?

I'm not sure I understand your concern. There have been three posts to the General Dashcam Discussion sub forum today alone, other than yours and the day isn't over yet.
And there have been various posts here all week including one from you on Sunday.

As @kamkar1 pointed out this is a relatively quiet forum compared to many others and mostly has a relatively small group of hardcore regulars. In six years of membership on DCT I've also noticed a real ebb and flow to how many members may be online at any moment in time which is often related to the day of the week or the time of day as the times zones roll around the planet. Some people do a lot of posting but many members just browse what catches their attention. Sometimes, there's a "hot" thread or two but often it's a slow accumulation of posts and rotation of what seems of particular interest to members for discussion at any given time.

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If anyone feel like shooting the breeze just look me up.
Some sub forums see little action, probably cuz there are little sale, or the customers are happy or not able to find this forum.
It could also be the models have faded from use / sale and so no longer valid for this forum, i assume the admin keep a eye on things like that, and i know he do, the joovuu X cam had its owh sub forum once but it is now back in among the "other dashcam brand and models" sub forum.
Friday often seems like a quiet day in DCT
this is my post from a bit ago.... seems like such a HUGE topic, I am surprised I didn't get more feedback on it.
this is my post from a bit ago.... seems like such a HUGE topic, I am surprised I didn't get more feedback on it.

I know you're excited about the interesting little device you created but I gotta' say, in my six years on DCT I don't believe I've ever seen anyone mutli-post links back to a project they want to promote as many times as you have, EVER. This is perhaps the 9th or 10th time you've promoted a link to your DIY project and I'm a bit amazed that you somehow managed to shoehorn another link to it in this thread. You even seem to have multiple threads about the gadget. Multi-posting is frowned upon in every forum I've ever participated in and members who do it this often sometimes get banned. What gives?
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I know you're excited about the interesting little device you created but I gotta' say, in my six years on DCT I don't believe I've ever seen anyone mutli-post and cross-post links back to a project they want to promote as many times as you have, EVER. This is perhaps the 9th or 10th time you've promoted a link to your DIY project and I'm a bit amazed that you somehow managed to shoehorn another link to it in this thread. You even seem to have multiple threads about the gadget. Multi-posting is frowned upon in every forum I've ever participated in and members who do it this often sometimes get banned. What gives?
sorry! I am new here.... most of the posts were just mentioning what I had done in response to others posts/questions, so I don't see anything wrong with that. From what I recall I had only 2 actual threads created by my about what I had made. I didn't know there was anything wrong with talking/mentioning about what I had done across multiple peoples posts. I did get a message from admin and they did inform me they removed some of my posts. They told me to not post multiple posts about that, but instead create links back to my original post.
Anything else you would like to mention about my improper postings ? I welcome the feedback :-), and again, sorry for trying to provide a solution to peoples issues by posting about what I had made.
sorry! I am new here.... most of the posts were just mentioning what I had done in response to others posts/questions, so I don't see anything wrong with that. From what I recall I had only 2 actual threads created by my about what I had made. I didn't know there was anything wrong with talking/mentioning about what I had done across multiple peoples posts. I did get a message from admin and they did inform me they removed some of my posts. They told me to not post multiple posts about that, but instead create links back to my original post.
Anything else you would like to mention about my improper postings ? I welcome the feedback :), and again, sorry for trying to provide a solution to peoples issues by posting about what I had made.

People multi-post now and again here on DCT, including me. For example I've done some unique custom projects with the Mobius camera that were posted to the DIY sub-forum and later I posted about them again in the Mobius sub-forums when I realized that many Mobius owners probably don't visit the DIY section often or at all. I could name a few other members who do it now and then too. I can say all of us do it sparingly and judiciously.

I don't really see anything all that wrong in multi-posting but IMHO after seeing you post or link about your device perhaps at least 10 times in less than two weeks it seems a bit overdone. Again, I'm speaking for myself only but doing so as a veteran of many other internet forums over the course of a great many years where administrators often ban members who do it excessively.

I really like the project you built and think it worthwhile but this is a small forum and you should rest assured that most everyone who might be interested in it has already seen one or more of your links or posts about it or will eventually.

I suggest perusing this link: :)
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IMHO forums in general are visited by less people in general due to different reasons
1) facebook groups
2) better device interface, more user friendly
3) better instructions
4) more devices=more threads=less posters per thread
4) youtube tutorials: way more informative and self explanatory, no need to ask for informations
5) existing threads where you can already find information you need, not necessary to ask
The rise of the smartphone to being the most common means of internet access has changed who you find online, where you find them, as well as the dynamics of any discussions. Farcebook, Reddit, and similar have replaced forums as the primary discussion sites but they often lack depth and topic longevity- they are mostly "here and now" type things that go onto other topics quickly :( YouTube tutorials and comments rarely go into full depth either, with many things "glossed over" or omitted entirely :rolleyes:

A friend of mine who runs a website with forums told me over 5 years ago that he thought internet forums would be dead by now, but they persevere as the best method of information exchange for many of us, especially those of us who do not live constantly on their smartphone. You can easily do forums on your own time schedule without losing anything of the discussion, which makes them great for insomniacs like me :ROFLMAO: Yes, forums have faded from prominence but I cannot see them ever going away completely- just don't expect instant results from them like you get with social media type sites. Instead expect better and deeper results from better and more verifiable sources with far less "me too" and "I don't know" static interfering with the communications :cool:

a lot of forums used to be about social interaction, that went the way of Facebook etc so the forums that were those type pretty much died, the only ones that still survive are those which are product or category specific where the format just works better for that, trying to find something you saw previously on Facebook is a challenge with the way that platform works