Issue with DDPai Z40 - Unable to Turn on Wi-Fi


New Member
May 19, 2023
Reaction score
Kuala Lumpur
Hey Everyone, greetings. I am looking for a solution for my camera, and I am kinda stuck.

Upon booting the dashcam, the Wi-Fi logo is displayed on the screen, indicating that it should be turned on.

However, when I search for the Wi-Fi network on my phone, I am unable to detect the SSID of the DDPai Z40 dashcam.

I have attempted to troubleshoot the issue by accessing the Wi-Fi settings within the dashcam's menu. However, I have observed that the Wi-Fi setting is displayed as "off," and I am unable to press the button to turn it on.

I have already tried the following steps to address the issue:

Ensured that the dashcam is fully charged and connected to a power source.
Restarted both the dashcam and my phone.
Resetting the device.
Formatted the memory card, and tried with a new card.
Despite these efforts, I have been unsuccessful in resolving the Wi-Fi connectivity issue.
I have also tried to update the firmware manually, files from another thread post within the same forum, as I am from V7.1.2.2, and currently V7.1.2.5, the issue remain unresolved.
So far I have emailed DDPAI support and hopefully can hear from them soon too.

Has anyone experienced the same issue as mine?

I am experiencing the same issue with my DDPAI Z40 dashcam. I have scoured the internet for solution but no luck so far. Have you found a solution for this problem? Thanks!
Hey there,

Nope, apparently I only got a response from their support in email, asking me to check my mobile apps it is updated to the latest version. (which I had), and ask me to send the serial number to them so they can send the newest firmware to me. (which I believe I had updated), my friend with the same model of ddpai, and the latest apps, only got V7.1.2.2 detected as the latest. and apparently, I have updated to V7.1.2.5 ( got the firmware from this forum in another thread).

I kind of gave up after some time. I remove the device from the app account as trying to reconnect. And in their email instructions, I notice their screenshot shows that of a ddpai app, there is a tab for warranty, which mine doesn't show, and I recalled warranty is over.... so likely case closed.
Hey sorry to hear that. I bought another SD card because I thought maybe if I change the SD card and reset the dashcam it might change something but nope, still the same. I tried uninstalling/reinstalling the app, still the same issue. I have asked other DDPAI users who are experiencing the same problem but no one has resolved it so far. I might try my luck contacting their support but I’m not holding my breath. If I find something I’ll let you know.