Itronics ITB-500HD


Nov 21, 2012
Reaction score
Dash Cam
2xITB-500HD,3xVico Opia 2,Mini 0906,70MAI A800S, A129ProDuo
ITB-500HD anyone?
I just received mine and the user manual and the player are in Korean (I think). Can anyone tell me where can I find a player and user manual in English?
So far the only things that I'd like to change to it are the time zone, movie length (I think it's set to 2 minutes now) and maybe see if there are any settings to make it work with only one camera (just in case, as you never know, if a villan breaks in and goes away with one camera I'd like to be able to still record with the one left, as for now if a camera is removed it stops recording and starts beeping).
And maybe do some other cosmetic changes such as printing the vehicle speed somewhere in the movie, maybe some other information. So far it only prints the date and time which is even less than what my ancient MDR1045 is printing).
mituc said:
ITB-500HD anyone?
I just received mine and the user manual and the player are in Korean (I think). Can anyone tell me where can I find a player and user manual in English?
So far the only things that I'd like to change to it are the time zone, movie length (I think it's set to 2 minutes now) and maybe see if there are any settings to make it work with only one camera (just in case, as you never know, if a villan breaks in and goes away with one camera I'd like to be able to still record with the one left, as for now if a camera is removed it stops recording and starts beeping).
And maybe do some other cosmetic changes such as printing the vehicle speed somewhere in the movie, maybe some other information. So far it only prints the date and time which is even less than what my ancient MDR1045 is printing).

Hi mituc,

There isn't much information available on this camera yet. I think your best bet is to ask the seller for an english manual and player. If they have it, please share and I can host it here as well. Perhaps others have some knowledge on setting up this camera.

Dash Cam Man
Ok, I checked with the reseller and they don't have an English version of the player or manual but they gave me these screenshots with the translated meaning of the settings menus.
Basically the player would read a fine Setup/Setup.bin from the target folder and also writes the options there. That file is later read by the DVR at boot time.

After following these pictures I was able to add the speed into the movie and a few other non-important changes (time zone, brightness for the rear camera, and so on). The clip length cannot be changed from there and most importantly there is no configuration option to tell the DVR to keep recording when a camera is removed.
Basically the possibility to place the DVR or recording storage into a different location than the actual camera(s) is the reason why I didn't get a Finevu CR500 which has an a lot nicer screen output at a significantly higher resolution (3 axis G sensor output, speed, timestamp, and some other unuseful status information which is just nice to see there). As of right now if somebody breaks into the car and manages to disconnect a camera the other one will stop recording in a few seconds (5 I think, give or take).

I made these suggestions to the manufacturer directly from their contact form, I hope somebody actually reads them and are not trashed :) ( ... _write.php ). Maybe when they will release the next firmware version and the English player they will manage to implement these two options as well, or at least the one camera recording.


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Hi Mituc,

Thanks for sharing the screenshots. It can help others who are considering this camera. The changes you are suggesting seem to be reasonable. Hopefully Itronics listens and updates the firmware to allow for recording when camera is removed. Changing clip lengths would be nice as well.

Dash Cam Man
Because the player is used for simple settings and because using the Korean version is annoying, you can use the english version of the player for ITB-100HD at least for reading the instructions. The actual version is "ITB-100HDE PC Player ver 1.0.0 20120113".

Or maybe you can use these screenshots from the ITB-100HD player.

If you want to use the ITB-100HD player you must to take care only to not set other resolutions than 720p and D1.



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On 2013 01 09 itronics released a new firmware:
[ITB-500HD] firmware. (Ver 1. 1)

Google translate:

1 Playback functions
 Navigation through linkage video playback and preferences can be changed
 Available after purchase - Remote Control + IR sensor + AV Cable

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Hi Mtz,

Thanks for sharing. I believe mituc was looking for an update to the firmware. I wonder if this addresses what he was looking for.
When is about marketing, that Itronics company is brainless.
How to prove something with links and not screenshots? Links can be changed or can disappear.

How to not want to sell your own product? Itronics is producing a camera. A seller sell many things and they can make profit from any of them. Who is losing money if a iTronics camera is not sold?

toddler08, your all 5 posts until now are about blaming the ebay sellers.
If you are coming from some Itronics department, tell your boss to translate the manuals, the software and make some money by selling the cameras, not to find all the ways to not sell it. I hope in Korea to be launched some amazing camera at very low price and then the korean people to not buy any Itronics camera. And then to see how the Itronics boss will try to save his business by selling some camera somewhere, even on Pitcairn.
Where was TViX few years ago and where is now?

Mtz said:
On 2013 01 09 itronics released a new firmware:
[ITB-500HD] firmware. (Ver 1. 1)

Thanks Mtz!

I will apply this update as soon as I can and then report back, right now my car is burried under a mountain of snow.
I wonder if there's any way to take a backup of the previous firmware. I have no idea what those documents are saying as I don't speak Korean.

So far I had no luck about purchasing a spare camera so for the second car I have I may look at some other dual camera options (or even single camera). Apple-CT offered two spare cameras for $300 when I asked the price for a new ITB500 + 2 spare cameras :) Not having the possibility to replace a broken part is a bit worrysome and I kind of miss the old CCVT DVR days when I could purchase any CCTV camera and replace a faulty one.
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Can you upload somewhere your setup.bin file which is used to update the camera preferences?

Regarding your bad camera have you tried to look inside if it is something wrong?
You can't use another type of camera?

I didn't try to look inside even if I'm not a total stranger to electronics, because if I damage it (and that's always a risk when you start messing with stuff) I will not be able to use the DVR any more as it doesn't record unless both camera's are connected.

I attached the Setup.bin file from one of my SD Cards to this post.


I opened up the GPS module for the ITB-500HD, it never worked since. Had to order a new one from Apple-CT.

Itronics is retarded for making it so hard to get their products in North America. The ITB-500 is an excellent piece of gear.
Hi all,

Just got mine ITB 500HD. It work great & quite simple to use. However I don't quite understand the tones of the unit.
I notice there is a few tones:

1) 3 Tone = start up
2) 3 Tone = Shut down
3) 2 Tone = mic off
4) 2 Tone(reverse) = mic on
5) 4 Tone = some warning I guess

so is there any more tones?

I also notice if i press n hold the mic on/off button, there will be a Front red lens & Rear pink lens & the unit will restart itself. Anyone know what does this mean?
5) Try to start the camera without card in it. Maybe you will hear 4 tones.

Is possible when you long press the Mic. button to format your card. Check your recordings after long pressing it. This is a nice feature but use it with care.

Mtz said:
Google translate:

1 Playback functions
 Navigation through linkage video playback and preferences can be changed
 Available after purchase - Remote Control + IR sensor + AV Cable

Indeed, that seems to be the only change... as the recording quality did not change for similar lighting conditions, and the sound is still delayed with about one second.
Hi Guys

I'm following this forum for a while and i'm considering to purchase an ITB 500 HD camera. I like the design of the 2ch camera system with external processing. I want to use it most of the time to record vandalism and people that hit there doors to my Mercedes, thinking that I have enough money to paint it every year again. :roll:

I was searching for some good dealers where I can purchase this product and had contact with Security Xuite in Singapore. He want to sell the product for 536 USD, or 400 euro. Do you guys know if there are better deals, products, prices, ...

Thanks in advance!
Regards, Geoffrey (from Belgium)
I think 400 Euro is too much for 500HD. Even 150. Here are some users with this dashcams and try to read their experience.
I don't know what advice to give you about buying, but I can say what to not buy, like the 500HD.
And don't forget also the main site dash cam comparison.


Thanks for your reply.
I've checked the forum and the website for comparison dashcams, also looked at the reviews of users that purchased the ITB 500. Technical I see positive (720p, volt metering, ...) and negative (15fps,...) reviews, but I don't find price ranges and dealer lists. I see there were in the past some sellers on Ebay such as Apple CT etc, but they don't exist anymore. I can only find two site's, one from Singapore and another in Australia, that only ships within Australia.

I'm aware that there are many dashcams with better resolutions, frame rates etc... But the setup for my needs is like the ITB 500. Two small camera's that I can set inside the car filming true the left en right window for registration of vehicles; putting there doors to my car, or vandals that using there keys everywhere except for starting there own car :x

I also was considering for purchasing two seperate dashcams, but than I need two SD cards and ran two cables to the power supply. Also with the ITB 500 I have one unit, one cable to the power supply and it has an Volt metering system that prevent my battery to run empty.
I was also thinking that 400 euro was to much, hopefully someone can give me an good address or can give me another solution...

Thanks in advance!
Geoffrey (Belgium)