JooVuu X: An Early Look


New Member
Dec 1, 2015
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Hello DashCamTalk users!
I bought a JooVuu X and thought I would share with you my experience of it so far. I received it Tuesday morning as I went very early to pick it up, I felt like a child on Christmas day!
The camera came in a very nice small box. It genuinely feels very good!

I bought a G1W and the box that came in was crushed and the camera had no packaging or protection at all. However, the JooVuu X comes very nicely packaged and well presented as you can see.

I even got a handwritten thank you note! I’ve never come across this before and boy does it make a good impression!


I’ve only had it 2 days and a few hours but so far the camera is very good. I downloaded the Android app onto my Nexus tablet and whilst it is not optimized for tablets the app, it looks very good and connects very easily.

I have no interest in displaying my date and time on videos as I do not store them on my PC I would only look at them when I need them. However, I do like the gallery function as it means I can quickly test if the camera has recorded the files but then again I wouldn’t expect anything less.
As this is a new camera I thought I should test the image quality and let you guys know – so far it’s better than what I thought it would be. I do only have a G1W to compare it to and what I have seen on this forum from other cameras but it seems the JooVuu X ranks up there with the best so far! The night quality in HDR mode (recommended by Daniel at is fantastic. During the day the quality is superb as well. The colours seem very ‘real life’ to me which is good for once.
The slim design and shape of the camera is perfect for my needs. As I am a business consultant I do a lot of driving and can be driving 6 or more hours a day sometimes, or making a lot of smaller trips, as such I need something that is discreet and I can forget about but which if I need to I can easily remove. Even though the camera comes with an ‘adhesive back mount’ I asked if I could receive a suction cup as this suited my needs better – JooVuu said no problem and I received a suction cup mount instead.

The suction cup is doing a great job though I would be very surprised if it did not. I have my camera slightly mounted on the passenger side as I rarely have passengers and I don’t want the camera disturbing my view or making my side of the car look untidy. I’m very impressed with how discreet this camera is. As you can see from the picture is very discreet from the outside (I circled in red where the camera is).

The only criticism I currently have of JooVuu is I believe they could send a link with the manual to the customers when the order as I got myself into a right tiff when I didn’t receive one – however I did easily find it on the website. I’m sure I can look at this more critically over the coming days, weeks, and months, but right now I find it hard to criticize. I’ll come back over the coming time and post my feedback.
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The suction cup i got with my first test sample works fine, if it was not for me removing from my windscreen a fjew times ( dotted area even ) it would still be sitting there i am sure.
On the other hand trying the suction cup on the same spot in my little sisters Ford it only stuck on for 3 minutes or so, so there must be somthing different between the dotted area in my Suzuki and the same in my sisters Ford.

Nice to have some more ppl in om the X "thing" :)

O yeah, and welcome to the forum Jef
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Hi @JefLomas
Welcome to DCT!

Glad you like the camera so far! You got my email so any problems just holla and we'll get them sorted.

Hopefully the camera will continue to amaze you :D


I'm glad you enjoyed the hand written note - I made sure everyone who orders one on this first batch gets one - it's the least I can do!

Just realised how bad my handwriting really is - i'm surprised you could read it haha.
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