Just had my windows tinted, this is result

have always wanted to get them tinted, I have always tinted my car windows, wife just didn't want to on hers, until now, she got sick of the sun belting in on her, tintin windows reduces glare, and heat and makes interior last longer and makes windows look better and stops you getting sunburnt when sun coming through side window.

Is it legal to tint all of the front windshield?... not here...
only law enforcement because they spend most of their work day in their vehicle.
Same here, no tint on windscreen or front door windows, even a small strip on top of windscreen have become illigal.
Im even sure the dotted area on some windscreens make Danish lawmakers butthurt :rolleyes:
Well to be honest if i lived in a more suited climate i am sure i would have a ragtop or somthing simmilar, i am not a huge fan of AC in cars or homes.

But here in Denmark i have to admit i giggle when i see a ragtop, so far this year we had 1 week of convertible weather, and that was in the start of June where the ambiient temperature was still pretty low.
At least so low temperatures i am sure driving with the top down would be less than comfortable for a person like me that freese his ass off when temperatures is below +20 Deg C

In 2 weeks we might get lucky and get a little summer looking weather again, but this far "summer" have been a big let down for me.

Somthing like this would do me juuuuust fine :cool:

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I'm fortunate enough to be able to only use this car when it is sunny and warm.
It doesn't get wet or cold.
Having 2 cars is out of the question for most Danes, you allready pay for 2 cars just to get 1, so that put a damper on things.

Offcourse you can borrow and have the bank own your car for the first 10 years of its life, but i wont want to pay the same for a car as i would have to pay for a house thats even over the top for a single person like me.

I paied around 18.000 dollars for my current car in 2012, i am sure it would be enuff for somthing better over there.


Not the cheapest car here, but its down in that end of things, they even becom a good deal cheaper since i got mine in 2012.
Not the cheapest car here, but its down in that end of things, they even becom a good deal cheaper since i got mine in 2012.
keep it in pristine condition another 50 years I'm sure it will increase in value when it becomes a classic.
Im just glad i dont have to walk or bicycle, or even worse share public transport with the ppl around that aggravate me so much.

I fear they will soon force me to sell my car, as you really arnt allowed to own such luxuries when you are on welfare, scare the living crap out of me making it damm hard to fall asleep or for that matter sleep when i finally go into voluntary horisontal coma.
Street Guardian was working on a cam for that model, but couldn't quite get it right.


But due to the recent problems, owners of the Tesla models have expressed interest in dash cams, again, so I bet SG cranks one out.

Seriously, now that I've managed to derail this thread......15-20 years ago window tint levels were pretty regulated in some US states. I haven't heard much fuss about tint levels in most states. Does any state actually regulate tint opacity any more?
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U.K. doesnt allow tint on windscreen and is fussy about front side windows. Had a Z4 before (hard folding roof) and it was useable in all weathers (apart from rain obviously...but it never rains in the Uk). Drive with the roof down on a clear night and it's great, even if cold (put the heating fans on).
Having 2 cars is out of the question for most Danes, you allready pay for 2 cars just to get 1, so that put a damper on things.

Yeah, I always thought it couldn't be worse than The Netherlands, where I live. But up till a couple of years ago, I believe Denmark had the oldest cars in Europe. All due to the extreme high cost of ownership. Over here it's bad, but not that bad. I consider myself lucky to own 3 Volvo's, albeit that they aren't brand new: A '07 V70 AWD, a '98 V70 R and an oldtimer '84 740 which I bought in Sweden.

Oh, and to stay on-topic: The '07 V70 has tinted windows in the back doors and baggage compartment. It makes a tremendous difference in inside temperature when the sun is blasting.
Yeah thats true.

Offcourse a Dane can own 2 nice cars too if he trow all his money at them or borrow money in the bank and finance it that way, you will allso often see couples having both a house and 2 cars.
But trust me if one of them loose ther job they will be first in line for bankruptcy, and selling the house with masive loss.

Offcourse some times you get lucky, for instance electric cars have been tax free for a couple of years, so a lot of ppl making good money ( cuz its still a expensive car ) have gotten cheap Teslas.
Sure the little VW and what not other electric cars have been tax free too, but you rarely see those, but the statussymbols Teslas you often see here now.

Thats just how it goes the rich take care of eachother, and with the shameless high wages Danish politicians collect they are up there in the elite echeleons of society too.
Proberly why some families have a permanent seat in out goverment,,,,,, i cant belive thats still legal,,,, my fellow Danes must be brainwashed.

Hell even families on welfare can own a kick ass BMW, they just all throw in a little of ther welfares and what ever money they get, and they presto they have a nice car to drive.

I think my whole country need to be tinted :)